*Pan's Redemption Playlist*

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This is what I look like now! I looked back at the first photo I posted of myself on here when I was 15 and I'm happy I, along with my writing style, had developed over time. And you know what else grew stronger? MY LOVE AND GRATITUDE FOR ALL YOU READERS.

DM me on Instagram that you're a reader and we can talk about the story or I can try and help give you tips on your own writing. I would love to help some of you experience beautiful fans like I have with you!

(Instagram: @madisonrose_23)

Please enjoy this playlist I put together for this story! Love you a million!!!

0. End Credits ~Munich Soundtrack #18*

This is an amazingly moving instrumental that captures the whole story perfectly. Yes I'm a classical music nerd, just enjoy!

1. Liability ~Lorde*

This song is a great visual representation of how Wendy felt in London. She didn't fit it, she didn't belong...Liability perfectly embodies Wendy Darling in the beginning of Pan's Redemption as the hopeless, insecure girl that her father, Daniel, and many others took for granted.

2. Somebody To Die For ~Hurts*

This song accurately captures Pan's conflicted emotions on his strange attachment to his first Lost Girl Wendy. He saves her time and time again to the boys beating her up in London, Mermaids, and the flames as she burns down the camp. Pan feels the funny churn is his stomach when he lays her down on a park bench to see her what bruising she has on her stomach from the alley boys. This scene proves he loved Wendy before he could see the fire inside her on Neverland. He loved her for her.

3. You Ruin Me ~The Veronicas*

This song beautifully captures Wendy's hostile attitude toward Pan. He's the boy who had always caused her unimaginable pain. He stole her from her family, played her, teased her. He only saw her as a possession. But why couldn't she get him out of her head...or her dreams?

4. Silhouette ~Aquillo*

This song describes the build up in Pan as he tried to determine what his feeling about Wendy really means. It hadn't occurred to him that love was a possibility as a villain, but as he swoops in to save her from her own destruction, he feels an intimate feeling of responsibility in her safety. By the end of the song and the scene where Pan holds Wendy in the cave to protect her from frostbite, he realizes he has impossible feelings for an extraordinary girl.

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