Chapter 1 ~London*

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It had been a very long and frustrating day for Wendy. As she walked home that crisp autumn day, she tried to piece together any good events of her day. She couldn't think of a single thing.

That morning she had awoken from a horrible nightmare. Sweat dripped down her pale face. She had found her fingers clutching the bed sheets. Her mother had to shake her awake because she had screamed so loudly. If you asked her what the dream had been about, she wouldn't have been able to tell you. As soon as her breathing had calmed she couldn't recall what it had been about.

When she had gotten down stairs after combing through her natural dirty blond curls, she found that she had to eat toast since her two younger brothers (John and Michael) ate the rest of her favorite cereal.

Then, when she got to school, everyone kept staring at her weird. They always stared at her, but this seemed more ugly. At school she was known as the 'book girl'. She was a social outcast. She didn't have any friends, but she didn't mind too much. She had her books, her adventures.

Thinking nothing of them, Wendy ignored her classmates like she usually did. She pushed her geeky glasses higher on her nose with her pointer finger and let herself stare at her black flats.

Later at lunch, though, the feeling grew uncomfortable. She glanced at the jock table like she always did. There.

Wendy found the guy she was looking for. His name was Daniel. Daniel Scott. Wendy had the biggest crush on him. She had liked him ever since the sixth grade. She didn't understand how he could be nice to everyone. The people at her school were mostly just rich kid snobs.

Daniel's hair was a bleach blond color. He had gotten many complements, but he claimed he never dyed it. He had these bright hazel-gold eyes that were almost too hard to look away from. He was average height, around 5'9" but it was obvious he was still growing. Wendy always liked to imagine the hidden muscles. He didn't have an too large muscles, they were perfectly fitted under his t shirt.

Wendy came to every home football (soccer) game at her school just to watch him.

Occasionally, it would hurt to watch. Wendy would always cringe when a new girlfriend would go and plant a victory kiss on him. Still, she came when she could. (Which was all home games).

She gasped when he turned and met her gaze. She quickly looked down at her book. Wendy forced herself not to check if he was still staring.

Soon, she was able to read line after line and be able to create the picture in her mind. Peter Pan never got old. It was Wendy's favorite book. The way Peter would single handedly defeat Captain Hook every time. The way he led the Lost Boys so kindly and compassionately. Wendy envied Pan's leadership. She wished she could have followers. She wished she could have people look up to her and smile. She wanted to be the one envied, not be envying other people's traits hopelessly like she was doing right now.

The bell rang and she closed her book. She made her way up the stairs toward the biology room. As soon as she entered everyone burst into giggles. Wendy felt trapped. Daniel gave her a look. It was a look that said, "What did you do?" She wanted to run out of the room. She couldn't. She knew something awful was about to take place, but she refused to cut class just because of an uneasy feeling.

The feeling only grew larger in the pit of her stomach. It got to the point where Wendy felt like she was going to be sick.

Maybe they aren't talking about me. The game is tonight, maybe they're just joking about the other team's lousy players.

Wendy told herself this to keep from hyperventilating. She didn't want to have a panic attack over some stupid kids who didn't have anything better to do.

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