Chapter 18

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"Daquan I love you" I said as I kissed him. His hands slid down my curves. He pinned me against the wall and kissed on my neck. Then his hands slid between my legs and he started rubbing my clit. "I want to taste you so bad ma" he said as he fingered me. My breaths got heavier. He kept kissing me on my neck and fingering me until I came. My body trembled. Daquan picked me up and laid me on the hotel bed. He gazed upon my naked body and smiled. "Baby put it in" I whined. Daquan put the tip in.

"Shawty wake up" Christopher said as he nudged me. My eyes peeled open. "What?" I asked.
"You want some dick or something? Cause you was moaning like I'm not right here." He said. Shit I didn't even realize that. I didn't say anything to him I just gave him a blank look. "You okay?" He asked. "Yeah" I replied. He kissed my forehead, and rubbed my back. "I love you Christopher" I said softly.
"I love you too Christina Brielle Parker-Lockhart" he replied as he kissed me on my lips. He gave me that damn devilish smirk. That smile always gets me. He rubbed my ass. "Baby girl" he whispered.
"Lemme play with that pussy" he said while biting his bottom lip. He didn't even give me a chance to answer. He he slid his hands in my pants and fingered me. "Damn shawty you wet already" he stated. I got wet off of my dream about Daquan. His fingers slid in and out of me slowly while his thumb was on my clit. He he started hitting my spot. I moaned softly. He kept fingering me faster until we heard a knock at the door and I was bouta cum.
"What?" I yelled.
"I am going to the hospital Tasha isn't feeling well again" Mason yelled.
"Okay update me on her health" I yelled back.
"Baby make me cum" I said softy to Christopher. That was his queue. He started rubbing my clit until I came. The way he worked his fingers always sends chills through my body. As a matter of fact anything he did sexually gave me chills. I love those chills. Even the way he looks at me gives me a slight chill.

*              *                 *                    *                 *   
Later that night Chris went home. I couldn't get my mind of Daquan for some odd reason. I actually spent all night talking to him. Daquan is a cool nigga. He is the type to be a best friend but there was something so attractive about him. Like he real as fuck. He would be bluntly honest with anybody and he likes to get his point across. 
Daquan: chrissy
Me: yess
Daquan: wanna hang out tomorrow?
Me: sure where? What time?
Daquan: umm the mall around 12 im off tomorrow
Me: okay bro
Daquan: yeah ima go to bed its getting pretty late see you tomorrow
Me: night
I locked my phone screen and went to sleep.

*              *                 *                    *                 *   
I woke up around 11 am. Shit I am supposed to be meeting Daquan at the mall today. I got out of bed and got ready. Once I had showered and gotten dressed I ate a salad and asked Mason to drop me off at the mall.
When I arrived at the mall I messaged Daquan and told him to meet me at the food court.
I sat at a nearby table in the food court and waited for Daquan to arrive. After a few minutes of playing color switch he finally sat next to me.
"Hey ma"
"So you hungry?"
"Okay ima get us something to eat. You like Chinese?"
"Yeah teriyaki chicken would be lovely"
"Okay ma"
He got up from the table and stood in the Panda Express line. I scrolled through my social media and waited for him to come back. After what felt like forever he came back with our food.
We ate and talked. We basically talked about everything. I am just that comfortable with him. I can be open and honest with him.

* * * * *
"Ma I have confession" he said to me.
"What?" I asked
"I think I am slowly falling in love for you"
"Yeah I know you have a man but I just wanna get it off my chest"
My face was completely flushed. I didn't say much after that we just finished out food.

* * * * *
After the mall we went on the court. I was already wearing joggers and a tank top so I didn't need to change. We played a one on one game. It was hella fun. He beat me by one point cause I kept fouling him. It was almost like one of those love and basketball scenes.
"Good game ma" he said as I passed him his ball.
"Yeah good game." I replied as he pulled me in for a hug. Then he looked into my eyes. He gave me one of those looks like he really loves me. He caressed my face and gave me a passionate tongue kiss. It was a good ass kiss. I swear his tongue was doing backflips. But then I remembered Chris.
"I gotta go" I said pulling away from the kiss. I saw the disappointment in his eyes.
I walked away from the court and went home.

* * * * *
The hot water hit my body as I thought about the kiss. I am feeling Daquan but I still love Christopher.
Something about Daquan's sexy ass is just different from Christopher. Sigh. My brain is so fucked up. I lathered up my body and got lost in my thoughts again. What if I dated Daquan and didn't take Chris back. Sigh. I rinsed off my body and got out of the shower. I hope my feelings for Daquan vanish asap. I don't wanna ruin my relationship with Chris.
This guilt is gonna kill me. My phone buzzed on my bed snapping me out of my thoughts.
Baby: princess i miss u
Me: i miss u too baby
Baby: i wanna come over but my dad is making me do stuff for him
Me: like what?
Baby: because he owns a bakery he wants me to organize his recipes and do calculate his employees pay
Me: well....u wanna be the accountant so its good practice
Baby: ik but i wanna be with my wife😭😭
Me: awww baby❤️❤️😘
Baby: gotta go dad is getting mad❤️😘😭😘😘😘
Me: ok babe
After my conversation with Christopher I called Maxine.
"Hello?" She answered.
"Girrrrrlll" I said.
"Daquan kissed me"
"We hung out today and then we played one on one and after the game he kissed me!!!"
"Girlll was it good?"
"Yeah girl his tongue was doing some acrobatic shit like his ass grew up in a circus;but what about Christopher?"
"Dont tell him he only gonna trip. Just keep it on the DL"
"Okay so whats up?"
"Nothing much my mom and sister just came back today so I'm watching the twins"
"Oh okay Auntie Maxine"
"They are going to call me Auntie Max"
"Whatever Maxine"
She hung up on me. She doesn't like to be called Maxine. She thinks her name is ugly but I think its cute. Hell everybody thinks her name is cute.

* * * * *
Its been a few days and Daquan had been on my mind a lot. When I say a lot I really mean a lot. The other night I stayed up all night talking to him. It was fun we cracked jokes and roasted each other.
Something about that kiss has me wanting more apparently. Daquan is always on my mind and we started hanging out more often. He even came over yesterday. I didn't take him to my room though he made it as far as the living room. If I took him to my room I would of fucked him. And I am trying to keep my hormones under control. I don't want Daquan to be the cost of my relationship. Anyway yesterday we talked and watched movies. Mason was surprised to see him but he didn't say anything. Cam just minded his business. Even Tasha was surprised.
Funny thing I realized Tasha is putting on weight. I am starting to become convinced that she is pregnant. Like the signs are all over her. She is putting on weight and getting sick and she now eats the oddest things. Before she graduated with Mason she was a healthy eater and she was a cheerleader. But now she has blown up. Not in a bad way though. She always had a nice figure with a slim build. But now she has bigger hips breast and ass. Her cheeks even got fatter. If she ain't pregnant then I don't know what's going on with her.
"Baby sis school is tomorrow you should get your rest" Mason said and she stuck his head through my doorway.
"Okay but quick question" I answered
"Ask away"
"Is Tasha pregnant?"
"Yeah but she is having complications thats why she has been in and out the hospital"
"So ima be an Auntie?"
"Yes baby sis but if her complications get worse she might lose the baby"
Mason had a very sad look on his face. I feel bad for him. He would be devastated if Tasha lost the baby. Shit I would be devastated if Tasha lost the baby. I hope she makes it full term. I really want a little niece or nephew. And if she loses that baby Mason will probably be in a deep state of depression. I don't want to see him like that. The last time I saw him like that was the day mom died. Even though I took the news worse he had depression and I had anger.
His depression was really deep. If Tasha loses the baby his thoughts of mom will just come rolling in.
And I'm not that good at comforting him. Cam does a better job but he is always with Max or his friends so I doubt he will ever be aware of the situation.

* * * * *
I stayed up all night praying that Mason and Tasha's baby would make it. I even told Daquan about it. Chris was already sleeping so I couldn't talk to him about it.

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