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I sat on my bed, looking out of the open window, letting the summer night breeze fill my room. I let my eyes fall shut as I heard my parents yelling.
My parents had always fought, and yelled at each other. Sometimes they would take it out on me by randomly grounding me, or just yelling at me to get a job, or that I was a mistake, it hurt, a lot. I just hoped tonight wasn't that night, it had already been bad enough.
First off, I got a D on my paper, and I knew that would make my grades even lower. Second thing, I wasn't invited to the "Party of the Year" because I wasn't cool enough. And last, but not least, I got a Saturday detention for cursing at some stupid kid because he said "I was an ugly fucking loser that should go rot in hell." but of course me, Brendon Urie, got in trouble not that little fucker.
But of course, me being me, I heard steps, more like stomps, coming up the steps to my bedroom door, when it got madly slammed open, I turned around to see my father, fists clenched, teeth grinding, standing in front of me.
I gulped back the lump in my dry throats at the sight. My parents had always fought, but they never looked this angry. "YOU LITTLE SHIT OF A FUCK!! YOU FUCKING KNEW, DIDN'T YOU!!???!!!" He screamed. I was really shocked, my dad had never been the one to be rude, but now, now was different.
I shook my head in confusion, what could I possibly know? "DON'T PLAY DUMB WITH ME, YOU KNEW DAMN WELL THAT YOUR MOTHER WAS FUCKING OTHER MEN, THAT FILTHY HOE, AND YOUR NO BETTER YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!!" He screamed, even more enraged. I felt tears gather in my eyes, and then, the unthinkable happened, he took his hand and slapped me!
It was hard, and it stung, but even worse, it made me hurt, emotionally. My dad, hit me.
It took a while for me to process, but when I did, my eyes filled with hate, and hurt. I stood up and shoved the man I no longer recognized as my dad. I walked downstairs and past my mother who was smashing things like crazy.
I walked out of the door, slamming it hardly, and running. I ran far, far away from my dysfunctional family. I ran until I couldn't anymore, when I looked around I didn't recognize anything.
It started to rain so I found an oak tree and sat under it. After a few seconds it sunk in, and the rage was filled with sadness, I felt tears well up in my chocolate brown eyes and I let them fall.
I cried for what felt like hours, the rain was know pouring down and I was drenched and shivering from the cold.
I thought I was going to freeze to death, but I didn't really care.
Then I felt a pair of warm hands touch my shoulders. I sniffed and looked up at the stranger.
He was beautiful. He had brown hair that was stuck to his face from the rain, bright blue eyes that could make any heart melt in seconds, and overall, he was stunning.
"Are you okay?" He said, his voice was just as beautiful as him, "N-No." I replied shivering. "Do you need help getting home?" he said, know grabbing my hand to pull me up. I shook my head, and when he pulled me up, my legs where so numb that I fell into his chest, and vision became blurry. "Uhh, okay, I'll umm, okay this so gonna be weird but I'm not going to let him die." I heard his voice mumble, I guess he was talking to himself, but I could barely concentrate, every second I was being pulled into the darkness.
Right before I was about to completely pass out, I felt him grab under my knees and pull me into a bridal style position. I wrapped my weak arms around his neck, although I don't think he would let me go.
His body warmth gave me the opportunity to stay awake. Soon I felt a door open, and I was soon embraced by warmth and the smell of vanilla.
I felt him lay me down on a couch and pull blankets over me. A few minutes later I felt him lay next to me, giving me some body warmth. He had changed his wet clothes to warm, fuzzy ones.
I smiled weakly and looked at him, I nuzzled my head into his chest. "Thank you stranger." I said, "No problem, and my name's Dallon." I smiled, "Brendon." I mumbled into Dallon's chest. I laid there and soon fell asleep in Dallon's arms.

A/N: I hoped you enjoyed😊 Thank you so much for even reading this and please vote and comment so I know you enjoyed😊 I will see you next One Shot and byeeee


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