Bulletproof Heart

397 23 11

 Thank you to @_Vampire_Money_for the suggestion!!

TW: Death and war. 


The word echoed throughout the tense silence. Dallon looked at Brendon and he nodded, both of them sprinted to the door, heavy footsteps followed them. Dallon grabbed Brendon's hand, they kept running, breathing became harder but they couldn't stop now.

The sand under their feet slipped away, making small dust clouds explode from under them. They could see the edge of town, people stopped and gasped, they knew exactly what was happening.

Dallon wanted to stop, his legs were aching, his chest exploding, lungs on fire, but he knew if he did Brendon wouldn't make it, he couldn't let that happen. As they neared the large fence, guards came from in front of them, Dallon quickly pulled him and Brendon into an alley as they ran. He saw the dead end and thought frantically. 

He saw the fire escape on the side of the building and rushed himself and Brendon up it, they were now on the top of the roof.

Dallon looked down, panting for air as he saw the guards climbing it. Dallon looked over the building and saw the fence about 20 feet away. He looked at Brendon.

"We have to jump, Bren," Dallon said softly, Brendon shook his head.

"We won't make it!" Brendon said the guards were only a few feet away. Dallon grabbed Brendon's hand.

"If we don't jump we'll die, we have a chance!" Dallon said. He kissed Brendon quickly before looking at him, "We have to do it."

Brendon sighed and nodded, they ran to the edge of the building and jumped. The fence was ten feet away, they could make it over.

The guards ran onto the building, they looked down and saw the two on the other side of the fence, running on the desert plain.

"I-I can't run anymore, Dallon!" Brendon yelled, he was limping on his left foot since he had hurt it after the jump.

Dallon looked around, they were miles away, there was no one near them and they had made sure to make it look like they had gone east when in reality they had gone west. The sky was dark, stars dotted the sky.

"Okay, but we need to find somewhere to rest," Dallon said. He grabbed Brendon's hand as they began to look around.

They soon found some sticks to cover themselves as they dug a small hole in the sand. They climbed in the cramped hole, covering themselves with sand before putting sticks on top, they left room for them to breathe.

Brendon snuggled into Dallon, Dallon kissed his forehead.

"Are we gonna die?" Brendon asked with a shaky voice. Dallon looked into his eyes.

"Even if we do, even if we don't make it," Dallon started softly, stroking his cheek softly, "We beat those pigs, we inspired others to run and one day the rebellion will win."

Brendon nodded before leaning in and closing the gap between them, capturing Dallon's lips with his own.

Dallon kissed back, Brendon wrapped his arms around his neck before pulling away, burying his head in his neck as the two slowly drifted off to sleep.

After three months, the rebellion had nearly ten thousand members, the leaders being known only as Party Poison and Fun Ghoul. The second in powers were known as Kobra Kid and Jet Star; the four original rebels, the killjoys.

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