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Request by @Fan_Girling_All_Doy . Thank you!!

Cold. That was all Brendon felt. He pulled his blankets up further, shivering due to the cold air of his hospital room. He turned on his right side, the bright sun filtered through the glass, the only source of light Brendon had at the moment.

He sighed, wishing that at least one more time, just once, he could feel that sun on him before he died.

The air conditioner roared back to life, it shut off every 15 minutes and came back on every 10. Brendon hated the cold but the hospital couldn't be hot due to other patients.

It was currently 8:17 a.m, three minutes away from when his usual nurse would come to get him, she was really nice and Brendon considered her a friend; Nurse Sarah.

He heard the twist of the door handle and he shot up, still wrapped in blankets, excited to see his friend when a tall man in nursing robes came in. Brendon looked at him curiously, the man's blue eyes bored into his own brown ones.

"Hello, Mr. Urie. I'm here to take you for chemo," The man said. He pushed in a wheelchair and looked at Brendon.

"Where's Nurse Sarah?" Brendon asked and the man looked down.

"She doesn't work here anymore, she was fired," Brendon sighed, his only friend was gone, but soon he would be too.

Brendon pushed off the covers and limped to the wheelchair, he was very weak from the chemo, he couldn't walk very far anymore even though he was only 18.

The man wheeled Brendon out of the room.

"I'll be your new nurse, my name is Dallon," Dallon spoke softly and Brendon nodded, "I'm guessing you were pretty close with your old nurse, I'm sorry she was fired."

Brendon nodded again, he wasn't big on talking to people.

Soon enough they had arrived at the chemo center or as Brendon liked to call it, "False Hope".

He'd been doing this for over a year yet nothing had changed, he just got worse and worse.

Once Brendon had finished chemo, Dallon wheeled him back to the room.

"Is your room too cold? You seemed cold earlier."

"It's a little cold," Brendon said softly, Dallon then took a turn and wheeled Brendon past his room, "Um, Nurse Dallon, where are we going?"

Dallon didn't answer and instead stopped wheeling Brendon, he then jogged down a few other hallways and disappeared from Brendon's view.

Brendon looked around, confused as to what was happening when Nurse Dallon came back a few seconds later, three blankets in his arms.

He wheeled Brendon back to his room and helped him to bed, Brendon covered himself with the one blanket he had when Dallon covered him with two others, leaving the third at the bottom.

"T-Thank you, Nurse Dallon," Brendon said and Nurse Dallon gave him a smile.

"You can call me Dallon," Brendon nodded and Dallon turned and left.

After a few weeks, Brendon and Dallon had become rather close. They liked the same music, they both could sing and they often hung out when they could.

Most nights, Brendon would fall asleep with the image of piercing blue eyes twirling around his thoughts.

Brendon liked being around Dallon because he didn't treat him like a patient, he treated him like a friend. Brendon couldn't help the feelings he developed for the older male, his heart would race every time he saw him, his stomach would do flips everytime they touched, he couldn't be without a smile with him around.

Today, Dallon sat at the end of Brendon's bed. He had bought a stack of cards and they were currently playing war.

"Dang it! You beat me! Round two!" Dallon said with his signature bright smile, he had no cards left after Brendon had taken them by pulling a king while Dallon pulled an eight of spades.

"Okay," Brendon said with a giggle, Dallon looked at him with adoration.

"Mr. Urie?" A voice said from the door, Dallon turned and saw the head doctor standing there, Brendon's doctor.

"Yes?" Brendon asked. It was never good when his doctor came in.

"I need to speak with you. Dallon can you please bring him to my office?" The doctor asked, Dallon nodded and the Doctor turned and left.

"It's okay, Bren. Stay positive, you could be getting better!" Dallon said even though his voice showed that he didn't believe that. Brendon still nodded, smiling at the man.

Once Brendon was in the office, Dallon sent him one last smile before walking away, Brendon's mother and father were there too.

"Brendon, Mrs. and Mr. Urie, I'm so sorry but the cancer is getting worse," His doctor said and Mrs. Urie squeezed Brendon's hand, "It has spread from his lungs and is starting to spread to his bloodstream, this means Brendon only has a few more weeks, we can continue chemo but it won't help at this point."

Brendon felt everything go numb, this was it, he was going to die. Brendon's mother gave out a loud sob before standing up.

"This is all your fault!!" She yelled at Brendon's father, the doctor stood up, "If you could just stop smoking, our son wouldn't have lung cancer!"

She slapped the man and stormed out of the room, sobbing. Brendon's father stood up and followed her, not once looking at his son.

"I apologize, Brendon. I wish there was more I could do..." The doctor said but Brendon smiled at him, tears in his eyes.

"It's okay. I wasn't meant to live."

"Bren! Come on!" Dallon whisper-yelled as he shook Brendon lightly. Brendon's eyes fluttered open, he looked at Dallon and saw his smile.

"What? What's going on?"

"I have a surprise for you, but you need to put this on..." Dallon held up a blindfold, Brendon was uncertain but agreed.

Dallon smiled and blindfolded Brendon, picking him up bridal style, he put him in a wheelchair and began pushing him.

In about ten minutes, Dallon undid Brendon's blindfold, and Brendon saw a large glass door in front of him.

"Why did you take me here?" Brendon asked and Dallon smiled to him.

"I know it won't be long, Bren. I also know that you wanted to go outside, so here we are," Dallon said, tears threatening to spill out of his eyes.

Brendon smiled to him as Dallon opened the door and wheeled the boy outside, the summer sun embraced him in its warmth, he smiled.

"It feels so nice," Brendon said, Dallon nodded and picked him up from the wheelchair, sitting him down on a bench before sitting next to him.

Brendon coughed a few times before cuddling up to Dallon. Dallon smiled down at him with tears still present.

He bent down and kissed Brendon's cheek, Brendon smiled.

"I love you, Brendon," Dallon said and Brendon nodded.

"I love you too, Dallon."

Brendon cuddled closer as Dallon began to sing. Brendon felt himself drifting to sleep, he closed his eyes and soon had fallen to sleep. Dallon looked at him and saw how his chest started to stop, his breathing had stopped.

Dallon felt the tears fall as a soft cry left his body. Brendon was gone.

A/N: The death scene was weird but idk. My grandma had cancer and stuff and yet I still don't know how to write it :/ I hope you liked it and I hope I did the request justice. Also, thank you all for the requests, they got me inspired and I can't wait to make all of them :)

Thanks again to:


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