Bad Boy Club pt.2

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 Okay before the story, I just wanted to thank you all for all your support. I know some of you are still in school like me and hate it, so I really hope that reading these stories make your day just a bit more enjoyable, because I know that every time one of you leaves a comment of leaves a vote, my day becomes 10X better. If you ever need a friend, I'm here to talk, even when I go on short breaks, I will always be able to talk :) Okay, on with the story <333

 As lunch approached, Dallon's stomach began to sink lower. His heart was pounding when it was lunchtime, his decision had been made the second he saw the letter.

 Dallone snuck out behind the school to see Brendon leaned up against the wall, a cigarette to his lips, the tip burning away as he inhaled, then moving the death-stick away and breathing smoke, the smell already nauseating Dallon.

 Brendon turned, a smirk on his face as he walked closer to Dallon, a seductive and lust filled look gleaming in his dark eyes.

 "You came," Brendon said softly, grabbing Dallon's waist and pulling him into a kiss, Brendon had to stand on his tip-toes to do so, but it was worth it.

 Dallon didn't know what to do, so he kissed back, he thought Brendon would be rougher, but he was soft, almost like he was handling a precious and priceless piece of art. (Dallon sweety you are a precious piece of art tsk tsk).

 When they pulled away Dallon smiled, looking down nervously. He had never been flustered like this, but he didn't particularly hate the feeling, it was just foreign.

 "Yeah, of course, I came," Dallon said while looking into Brendon's eyes. He seemed...softer when they alone.

 "I didn't think you would, I mean, you never returned my texts or calls after that night... I thought maybe you didn't like me..." Brendon said, heartbroken brown eyes meeting confused blue ones.

 "Brendon...I never got a call or text from you..." Dallon answered, putting his hand on Brendon's shoulder.

 "You didn't? I can show you," Brendon said, pulling out his phone and showing him the texts, his name on his phone was "Dally <3".

 Dallon clicked for more info and saw that it wasn't his number.

 "One thing, that's not my number... who gave it to you?" Dallon asked, and Brendon blushed as if he were embarrassed but his eyes said that he was angry.

 "Ryan Ross, the little bastard!" Brendon said, clearly frustrated with the boy he was talking about.

 Dallon cupped his face and kissed him softly, calming him down. Brendon melted and kissed back, wrapping his arms around his waist.

 This kiss seemed to have more meaning, now Dallon knew that Brendon clearly liked him as more than a fuck-buddy, and Dallon felt safer.

 "Dad?" Olivia said, gaining Dallon's attention.

 "Yes?" he asked, putting the 6-year-old on his lap as he sat down on the couch.

 "How did you and Daddy meet?" she asked, looking up at him with large brown eyes.

 "Hmm, during the summer. It was magical," Dallon said, looking around his room, pictures of him and Brendon with their young daughter all over the room.

 "I met someone during the summer, her name was Penelope, are we in love??" Olivia asked, clearly oblivious as to what falling in love felt like.

 "Haha, I don't think so sweety, but if you like her, don't give up," he said, tapping her nose, making her scrunch it up as Brendon walked in, smiling at the two.

 "Ahh, if it isn't the two loves of my life, come to daddy!" Brendon exclaimed and both Dallon and Olivia walked to him, Olivia hugging his lower body as Dallon kissed his lips softly.

 "I missed you daddy!" Olivia exclaimed, and Brendon chuckled, petting her light brown hair.

 "Yeah, I missed you daddy," Dallon said with a smirk.

 A/N: OOf this is the 50th oneshot in the book!! I know a few chapter are announcements and stuff, but still!! Thank you all for sticking around to read these, I've deffinately become more confident in my writing thanks to you all. Remember I will always love you <333 have an amazing day and enjoy this very rare happy oneshot haha. Okay bye bye


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