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Winter. A three month period in which the weather is the coldest, where little kids celebrate snow days and play in the snow, making snowmen and naming them frosty.

Winter was also Brendon Urie's favorite time of year, he loved snuggling in thick blankets, watching sappy Christmas movies, and drinking hot chocolate.

He liked the cold weather and the precipitation it brought. Snow.

He had always loved the snow, he loved having snowball fights with his friends, making snow angels and most of all, snowflakes.

Now Brendon was a music major at his local college, but he had a true passion for art, modern or traditional, he loved it.

That's why he liked snowflakes so much, how every single one seemed so similar at first glance but they were all somehow different.

One day, as Brendon walked through his local park, as the snow fell, he saw an unusual sight.

He walked closer to the man he was looking at, he was wearing a jacket, standing in front of a canvas as he flicked his paintbrush skillfully across the surface. He seemed focused, stopping to look at the snowflakes.

"H-hello..." Brendon said softly, trying not to scare the man. The man looked up with stunning blue eyes and smiled softly.

"Do you wanna see?" the man asked, Brendon, nodded and went to the man, looking at the canvas in awe.

The man had painted a snowflake falling, it was so realistic, swirls of blue and golden yellow swirled their ways into the glowing white.

"Wow," Brendon said, looking at the man.

"Thanks, the name's Dallon," Dallon said, outstretching his hand for Brendon to shake. Brendon took his hand.


1 year later

Brendon ran away from Dallon giggling, snowflakes falling all around them.

"Gotcha!" Dallon exclaimed as he grabbed Brendon's torso and picked him up, tickling him.

Brendon laughed and hit his arm, Dallon let go of him and Brendon pecked his lips.

"Mmh, I love you, Brenny," Dallon said, hands-on Brendon's waist.

"I love you too."

Dallon smiled at him.

"My little snowflake."


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