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( this may be weird cause Brendon's gonna be talking to you almost idk I'm trying something new)

"Wahhhh!! Pleaseeee!" I begged, I grabbed onto Dallon's arm, pulling him closer.

He was trying to get up to leave my house, but if he did I'd be lonely, so I decided to beg.

"Ugh. Baby!! I need to get home!" Dallon said, falling back onto the couch so I could snuggle up into his side.

"Mmmmm. Just ask to stay overrrr!!! My parents won't be home until late tomorrow and I'm lonely!!!"f

"Okay. I'll do it for you baby boy." He chuckled, leaning down and kissing my lips. I sat up lightly, kissing him back.

He held my face, making me feel a warmth run through my veins, down to my core.

I pulled away softly, humming as I buried my face into his chest.

"I love you Dally." I said, drifting off to sleep as I listened to his steady heartbeat.

"I love you too Brenny Boo."

When I woke up, Dallon was holding me in his arms, but we were upstairs in my bedroom instead of on the couch.

I stared at him. Have you ever gotten that feeling inside of you, the one that makes your heart explode into color, makes your soul light up, the feeling that makes our heart squirm in warmth as a scream approaches your throat?

That's what I feel every time I look at Dallon. Just everything about him was perfect, and somehow he loved me. I was so lucky.

"Mmm, you gonna keep staring baby boy?" Dallon said, opening his blue eyes sleepily, outstretching his arm and pulling me in closer.

"Hah, sorry. You're just too beautiful," I said, kissing his cheek.

"Mmm. You woke me with your eyes," he laughed, his voice was husky and once again I had that feeling. I felt like the world was just so perfect when Im with him.

The stars seem to shine brighter, the sky becomes prettier, death stops, everything is just right when I'm with him.

I'm not some boy with anxiety that has no future ahead of him. I'm in love, I'm happy, I'm carefree. I'm me.

I don't have anything holding me back. Do you know how that feels? I didn't. I didn't until I met Dallon.

I feel like I can do anything, I feel strong and powerful. Meaningful.

I hope you feel this way one day, or if you ever have, I hope you still feel that way.

Dallon stood up, unwrapping his arm from my shoulder.

"I'm gonna head home. My parents told me to be home before 12, it's 11:30 right now."

"Oh. Okay. Well I'll see you soon," I replied, the feeling beginning to fade into a small pit of loneliness in my stomach.

"Of course you will, I'll see you tomorrow. Remember, be at the park at 2:30!" Dallon said, grabbing his bag and walking over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist he kissed me lovingly, I kissed back of course, and when we broke apart he gave me one last smile before running out the door.

Who knew I would never see him again?? I didn't...

The next day, I arrived at the park for my picnic date with Dallon at exactly 2:30.

He wasn't there so I stood at the entrance.

2 hour later and he never showed up.

I called his cell, texted him a hundred times, but they never went through.

I sighed, disappointment running through me, heartbreak hammering my heart.

I ran home, and when I got inside, my parents didn't look thrilled.

"Honey... Dallon didn't show up did he..??" My mom asked, her voice was shaky and she was crying.

"'d you know? Are you okay??" I asked, worryingly putting my arm on her shoulder.

She burst out sobbing.

"Honey... Dallon, he didn't come home last night. He ran away. He's missing." She cried.

At this moment, my whole world collapsed in on me.

Do you know how horrible and horrifying that feels??

The way your heart just slowly sinks, the realization slowly pulling apart every shred of happiness it can find in its path of destruction.

As your stomach fills and you feel sick. Your vision gets blurry and the tears don't stop, you don't even realize they started in the first place.

No one can comfort you, no one can mend your heart or eliminate the fear.

"Brendon calm down. I'm so sorry baby," my mom cried, holding me as I shook on the floor, rocking myself back and forth.

My dad sighed, hugging me as well, he wasn't an emotional guy, so him hugging me showed me how much they cared.

But I didn't. I didn't care about their love or anyone's for that matter. Only Dallon's.

3 years Later

3 years ago, my world crashed into the ground, and it hasn't been fixed yet. Everyday I wait, I wait for him to get back.

I didn't go to collage for fear that I would miss his return.

Everyone thinks I'm crazy, that he's dead. But he can't be. He's still alive, he'll come back to me.

He loves me, and I love him. He'll make my heart burst again and never leave me again.

He didn't run away, he's just hiding. From what? I don't know. But he'll come back. I know it.

"Brendon...." my mom says, quietly entering my messy room, pictures of Dallon hanging everywhere.

"Hmm." I hummed in response, looking up to see Dallon's parents along with my own.

"Brendon..." Mrs. Weekes says, sitting down next to me, "they-they found Dallon's body.."

She let out a strangled cry. And once again, everything stopped, and my world imploded.

I can't take the pain.

Please make everything stop.



A/N: why do I feel like this? Why Can I be so happy and then be crying? Why can't I be normal and be happy?


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