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Brendon and Dallon had been friends since 1st grade.

"So I want you all to make your best friend something! Goooo!!" the art teacher yelled enthusiastically.

Brendon and Dallon grabbed the best supplies, and walked over to a table.

"I'm making one for you!" they said at the same time.

They both started laughing.

"Mines gonna be better!" Brendon declared, Dallon rolled his eyes.

"You're on!" he said back.

They fake glared at each other, smiling as they did so.

They started laughing again and picked up the supplies they would need and went to different tables.
At lunch, Brendon gave his to Dallon's, it was red paper heart that had arms and a face that said 'Dallon'.

Dallon loved it and Brendon didn't even notice Dallon didn't give him his.
Now the boys were in middle school, the paper heart hung on Dallon's wall as he and Brendon joked about how all the girls at school were annoying.

Dallon had told Brendon he was Bi, and Brendon told him he was too.

They both preferred guys to girls, but neither had feelings for anyone and did not plan on dating for a long time, they were only 7th graders.
Even though  neither one wanted to date anyone a year ago, Brendon had made his first boyfriend one day in winter in 8th grade.

His name as Ryan, and he was really sweet and kind to Brendon.

Brendon and Dallon grew apart as Brendon started hanging out with new people, Ryan's friends, Spencer and Jon.

Dallon became friends with Dan and Kenny.

Dallon still had the heart in his room and missed Brendon a lot, they were still friends but they barely hung out.
On the first day of freshman year, Dallon walked in and Brendon hugged him tightly.

He apologized for leaving and told him how Ryan broke up with him for a girl.

Dallon stood there and hugged the smaller boy, who was normal height, Dallon was just fucking tall.

Brendon and Dallon grew closer than ever over the course of high school and by senior year both liked each other, but the other didn't know.
They went to the same college and Dallon and Brendon were dorm-mates.

Brendon one day ran into Ryan, Ryan apologized and asked for Brendon back.

Brendon ran back into the dorm room, tears running down his face.

Dallon asked what was wrong and Brendon explained everything, and by the end Dallon had a new found hatred for Ryan.

Dallon told Brendon not to go back to Ryan, Brendon wasn't sure, so Dallon went and pulled out the thing he had made for Brendon in first grade.

It was a small box made from popsicle sticks and and had a piece of paper that said 'Brendon' on top.

Brendon opened it and read the note inside.

'Dear Brendon,

You're my best fren, and I love you, and I know when you read this it will be for this reason, will you be my boyfriend?'

Brendon looked up and nodded, kissing Dallon passionately.

"Yours was better." Brendon said.
Brendon and Dallon had dated for 3 years, when Dallon walked in their dorm room with the little black box in his hand.

He had roses as well and when he walked inside Brendon was kissing Ryan.

Dallon felt tears build up and he dropped the flowers.

Brendon looked up and covered his mouth, rushing to Dallon.

"Dal, I-I'm so-" he started placing a hand on Dallon's shoulder.

Dallon shoved it away and spat two words that ended his happiness, 'We're over!'.

He gave the box to Brendon and packed his stuff.

All he got were his skinny jeans, his favorite shirts and the heart Brendon had made.

He walked out, Brendon was crying and yelling at Ryan, holding the ring in his hand.

"Dal! Pleas don't go!" was the last thing Brendon said to Dallon before Dallon walked out and away from Brendon, forever.
At the 10 year high school reunion, Brendon wanted to make things up to Dallon.

He had the ring, flowers, and his apology.

When he walked into the building everyone looked at Brendon weirdly, eyes staring to see his reaction.

He kept his bright smile, scanning the now silent room for Dallon.

After the incident, Dallon dropped out and Brendon did the same, but he moved to Paris.

He had flown back to see Dallon.

He walked up to a girl he recognized as Sarah.

"Hi Sarah, where's Dallon?"

Everyone looked sad and away from Brendon.

"You didn't hear?" Sarah said sadly.

Brendon grew concerned and shook his head.

She formed tears and sighed sadly.

"Brendon, Dallon's......gone, he killed himself 3 years ago." she sniffled.

Brendon dropped everything.

He felt tears leak out and he left.

He ran to the nearest cemetery and searched.

In 15 minutes he fell down to his knees in tears in front of his true loved grave.

He saw the heart he had made him in first grade sitting there.

He then saw the blade sitting near it, old blood on it.

He picked it up and sliced his wrists.

He left, the world.
A/N:hey, that was sad. I based it very loosely off of heavydirtybrallon 's oneshot about Joshler, there's was a lot happier and cuter though.
Hope you liked it and thank you again for 1K!!!!!
Wuv you all byeeeee.


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