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 Dallon Weekes is one of the most secluded people you will ever meet, he has virtually no friends, very few people know what his voice even sounds and he disappears for hours on end from humanity.

 No one knows where the mysterious boy goes for these hours, nobody knows that he goes to the tallest hill in the small town where he has the perfect view of the sunset. 

 The hill is about a mile away from any housing developments and no one really knows about it.   

One day Dallon is atop the hill, watching as the sun begins to lower in the sky, the sky turns from blue to shades of pink and red, orange lining the clouds as the sky darkens for the moon and stars to enter the sky.

 He begins to think about life and looks up at the picture-perfect scene. It is better than any painting, any animation, anything. It was more beautiful than anything.

 To Dallon, nature was the best gift humanity could be given, yet we as people ruin it, it is why he distances himself from people, they make him feel more alone than when he's by himself, they make him feel pitiful for the beautiful world.

 He sighs as he sees the intertwined orange and pink fade to black as if they never existed.

 He stands up, brushing his jeans as he heads home, the darkness growing fast. He watched as stars pop up on the black painted sky.

 Dallon got home 30 minutes later, running upstairs to check his computer, seeing a message from his friend, a friend he had never met.

 He is the only person Dallon finds lovely and beautiful even though he has never seen him.

 Dallon wishes to meet him soon. 

 But his time is running out as he reads the mysterious message.

 I have lived a hard life, one of sorrow and pain, I wish to love but the one I love must live millions of miles away.

 My dear mystery love, please let me go as I die at my old secret place.

 Atop a hill covered in flowers, tears will stain the grass as I die peacefully, watching the sunset.

 My mystery love, goodbye.


 Dallon stares in shock, what can he do?! He doesn't know where Brendon lives, only that they both live in the U.S.

 He tries to message him but they don't go through.

 Dallon lets a sob escape, he collapses into his bed, curling in on himself.

 "I love you too," he whispers, blinking away tears.

To Be Continued...  

A/N: Hey! Haha, I return! I will try to post pt.2 on my birthday which is in a week! :)) I wanna make sure that I post something for you all on my birthday as if it weren't for you all I wouldn't be alive, you have all helped me more than you could ever imagine and I honestly love and care about you all.

 I'm sorry it took me so long I just had a really bad couple of weeks but I will try to be happier for you all and my friends :)


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