Sunset part 2

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 Dallon dreamed of the boy he had never seen, the boy he loved, taking his life. Dallon would cry out his name but it never amounted to anything, the faceless figure just kept slowly dying while saying "I love you,".

 Dallon woke up early that Saturday morning but stayed in bed until 2 p.m., only getting up to use the bathroom.

 Finally, he decided he should do something, but what? Brendon was going to kill himself tonight at sunset, he couldn't help him...

 Dallon suddenly thought of a morbid but okay idea. If Brendon were dying tonight, at least he could send him off. Maybe it could be his way of letting go. He knew it seemed horrible but to him, he thought of it as comforting.

 He began to sketch a picture of doves flying into a beautiful sunset with a net under them, carrying a faceless boy with angel wings beginning to sprout out.

 At about 4 he finished the linework and went onto the painting, he had an expensive case of water-paints his grandmother had bought for him about two years ago before she died.  

 He painted the clashing colors around the pure and white doves, the boy had a dark but lovely aura to him as his wings began to spread.

 Dallon finished right in time. He went to his spot where he could see the sunset. He knew Brendon would be at his own special spot, Dallon wished he knew where so he could stop him but he had no idea.

 He got to the top of the hill as the sun began to set, he had brought a match to burn the painting and let the ashes fly with the wind.

 The only problem was that Dallon was not alone. Instead, he saw a small boy in a pink jumper, he was sobbing, flower crown thrown next to him.

  His hair moved in the wind, he was beautiful and tragic. Dallon sat next to him, the boy flinched and tear-filled brown eyes met concerned ocean blue ones.

 The boy sobbed so much harder, Dallon didn't know what to do. 

 "W-Why are you here?" Dallon finally asked the boy choked back his sobs and looked at Dallon's face.

 "I- I don't want to do this anymore," the boy said, wrapping his arms around his knees which were pressed against his chest.

 Dallon looked at him softly.

 "Someone I love said they were going to kill themselves tonight, right now actually, I wanted to pay a memorial," Dallon said as he looked forward to the lowering sun.

 "O-Oh, why didn't you help them?"

 "I couldn't, I don't know where he lives, I only know his first name," Dallon said in a somber voice, eyes filling with tears.

 "What's his name?" the small boy asked in a whisper.

 "Brendon," Dallon said as a tear rolled down his face.

 The boy was quiet, Dallon looked over at him and saw the tears pouring down his rosy cheeks as he stared at Dallon.

 "Dallon?" the boy choked out.

 "How'd you know my name?"

 "I- It's me..." 

 Dallon wanted to punch himself at how stupid he was. 

 "B-Bren?" Dallon's voice cracked as the boy looked at him and nodded and Dallon couldn't help himself from throwing his arms around him and sobbing into his arm.

 "Bren please, please never leave me. I love you! God, I love you, Brendon! Please, please stay with me, forever," Dallon said into his neck.

 Brendon sobbed as he threw his arms around Dallon's waist, nodding into his chest.

 "I- I love you too, I won't leave you as long as you're here, with me," Brendon said softly.

 "Of course, I will always be with you," Dallon pulled away and put his hand on Brendon's damp cheek as he caressed it with his thumb.

 He leaned in and kissed him with a tenderness that Brendon nor Dallon had ever felt. Brendon wrapped his small arms around Dallon's neck as Dallon kept his hand on Brendon's cheek and the other slid it's way to his waist, wrapping around it softly.

 They broke apart, Brendon smiling softly as Dallon pushed his hair back, kissing Brendon's cheek.

 "Come home with me?" Dallon asked and of course Brendon nodded, they interlocked their fingers and stood up, Dallon grabbed the painting and smiled at Brendon. 

 They walked down the hill and the town saw a happy Dallon they had never seen before and a pastel boy that held his heart as they walked with the fading sunset behind them, full of love and happiness.

A/N: I KNOW THIS IS LATE!! I have been so busy and I hate myself for not posting. Thank you all for being so patient and to make it up to you since I have been doing this book for like over a year, I will do a Q&A!! You may ask as many questions as you want, they can be personal but if they push a boundary (Which they most likely won't) I will put it in and explain why I may feel uncomfortable answering. I think this lets you understand me and I think you all deserve to know I guess haha. Anyways, depending on how many questions I get at first will decide when I'll make it. I want to make it like tomorrow or in a few days :). Remember no question is stupid and I will always love all of you :) Okay well I will see you soon, bye bye <3333



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