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Thank you to @Seedengrulez for the request!

London, England. 1918.

The pitter-patter of raindrops hitting the rooves, the newly made Town Cars roamed the mostly desolate town.

Women and their husbands sat in their living rooms. Children sat in their rooms, either playing or reading.

The occasional person was seen roaming the streets, umbrella outstretched as they sheltered their nicely done clothing from the rain.

Brendon Urie and Dallon Weekes were part of the latter, they were walking down the sidewalk as they talked chatted.

"Well, the first day of vacation and it's raining!" Brendon exclaimed with a laugh as Dallon smiled and nodded.

"At least we're together," Dallon said lowly, Brendon blushed softly at his lover.

"Not now, we're in public!" Brendon said and Dallon smiled, secretly brushing their fingers against each other.

"HELP!!!!" The scream stopped the two in their tracks, they looked down the alley they had just passed and saw a person on the ground, another person on top of them.

Brendon took no time before rushing to the person, it was a lady, her dress was half pulled off and the person on top of her seemed to be assaulting her.

Brendon punched the man as Dallon rushed to the lady, only for her to impossibly quickly push him against the wall. The man Brendon had pried off of her smiled at the lady and she smiled back. The man did the same to Brendon, pushing him onto the wall.

"W-What the hell!?" Brendon yelled, struggling to push the man off, he was too strong.

"You mortals are so stupid!" The woman said. A sharp noise was made and both boys were horrified to see the woman's fangs before the man, her accomplice did the same. Vampires.

"P-Please don't kill us!" Dallon cried out.

"We weren't planning on it, just a little snack, a little bite," The woman said, looking at Dallon's exposed neck.

"W-What'll happen to us?" Brendon asked.

"Well, you'll be one of us!" The man who was pinning Brendon down said with a laugh.

Brendon went to protest when the man bit into his neck, a scream of pain sprang from his mouth as he felt the blood drain out of him.

Dallon soon made the same yell as the woman bit him, draining him of blood.

The two vampires stopped before either boy could die but had stayed long enough for their poison to affect them.

Brendon and Dallon collapsed as the vampires sped off into the night.

Las Vegas, Nevada. 2018.

"Dally!!" Brendon whined, Dallon poked his head out from the kitchen and looked at his whiny boyfriend.

"What? I'm cooking!"

"But I wanna cuddle!" Brendon whined, pouting.

Dallon appeared from the kitchen with an amused expression.

"Well, your the one who begged me to cook since you were hungry," Dallon said and Brendon made grabby hands.

"I wanna cuddleeee!!" Brendon whined again and Dallon sighed in defeat. He walked over to the couch and sat next to Brendon, pulling him close to his body as Brendon snuggled into his chest.

"Mmm, you smell like rabbit," Brendon said, licking his lips as he licked his lips and his fangs stuck out. Dallon rolled his eyes.

"I was takin the blood out of it so we could eat," Dallon said and Brendon suddenly pushed him off.

"Well I'm hungry so finish it," He said and Dallon laughed softly at how ridiculous his boyfriend could be.

"Ya know, every year you seem to act more childish."

"Maybe, but you love me," Brendon said with a smile as Dallon walked to the kitchen.

"That I do," Dallon softly said as he nodded.

Brendon waited a moment before following Dallon into the kitchen, wrapping his arms around his waist.

Dallon chuckled softly and continued to extract the blood from two different rabbits.

"I love you~," Brendon said and Dallon smiled, turning around and cathcing his lips in a soft kiss. As Brendon wrapped his arms around Dallon's neck, Dallon pulled away.

"I love you too."

A/N: I know it's not much and it's not very long but I really loved the concept and just wanted to make some fluff haha. Okay well love you all <33 Thank you for the requests!!


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