Fear Of The Water

459 20 13

TW: Death, suicide, drowning

The sun was sinking in the far distance, the sky became a blood red due to the fire nearby.

Brendon grabbed his friend's hand even tighter, turning their fast walk into a jog, they could hear the crumbling of dried leaves underneath their fall boots.

"H-How much farther, Bren?" Dallon panted, he had never been a good runner. Brendon didn't answer and instead ran faster, pulling Dallon along.

"Komm zurück!" The German words were loud in the boy's ears, they ran faster.

Brendon felt the burning in his lungs, the ache in his legs, the pain in his feet. He needed a break.

He looked behind him, the forest he once called homes was burning brighter and faster than before. He couldn't see the nazi's, but he felt their presence, the fear and hatred they emitted were stronger than anything Brendon had ever felt before.

He saw a small shack in the distance, it would be too obvious, he thought. He looked around more and saw nothing but trees, trees that would soon be burned to the ground from their dryness.

That's when he saw the small glimmer of black, he ran to it with Dallon right after him, finger's still intertwined. They ran through the nearly hidden path and soon found themselves standing at a lake.

Brendon stopped, trying to catch his breath, hands on his knees as Dallon leaned against a tree.

"W-Why would you do that?" Dallon asked, wiping away the large amount of sweat that had gathered on his face. 

Brendon looked at him, his childhood friend whom he had loved for a long time.

"You're my best friend, I wasn't going to let them kill you," Brendon said, walking to Dallon slowly.

"But you would have been safe, your not a Jew like me," Dallon said softly and Brendon cupped his face causing a soft gasp from Dallon's lips.

"I won't leave you, Dallon. Not now, not ever, okay?" Brendon asked, Dallon nodded and Brendon let his face go, "We need to get across the lake, hurry, they'll catch up soon."

The boys looked to the lake, stepping in and trudging through the freezing cold water. They got to the other side rather quickly and climbed out, their pants and the bottom of their shirts were soaked, but they were safe, for now.

They continued running, it was dark now, stars dotted the sky as the moon rose, full and bright. Brendon didn't know where they could go, he had never gone beyond that lake, always too afraid he wouldn't be able to find his way back, but now he was alone, Dallon was all he had left.

 Brendon ran with Dallon, further and further, ducking under low branches and taking deep breaths.

They soon emerged from the trees, Brendon stopped for a second, looking around. He saw a large church, the lights were on.

"There! Come on!" Brendon said, grabbing Dallon's hand and running faster than they had before. In minutes they had reached the church.

People were filing out, mass must have just finished. Brendon and Dallon weaved their way through the crowd, getting suspicious looks for their soaked muddy clothes and sweaty appearances.

Brendon soon saw the priest.

"Father!" Brendon yelled and the priest turned.

"Good evening young ones, you just missed the last mass but there shall be one tomorrow morning at 10 a.m," The priest said, Brendon shook his head.

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