Love Letters

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 Brendon walked into school with his head down, tired from staying up late the other night and only getting 3 hours of sleep.

 He opened his locker when a pink piece of paper flew out, landing on his converse.

 He bent down and picked it up, it was folded so he opened it, smiling to himself as he read it.

 Dear Brendon, 

       I have liked you for a while but have always been too nervous to talk to you. I hope to one day talk to you.


 Brendon looked around but saw that the hallway was empty and realized he was late...great.

 The next few weeks passed and every morning Brendon got a pink piece of paper with a note written on it, today was the same.

Dear Brendon,

  I don't feel very happy today, my family is falling apart and you're the only person in this school that doesn't hate me.

  I just want to tell you that no matter what happens, I love you.


 Brendon frowned at the wording, but the bell rang and Brendon had to push the thought out of his mind, but there was one thing he was certain of, he loved the mysterious person as well.

 The next day the school was silent, Brendon was confused but only a few seconds after entering, the local gossip girl, Sarah, who was one of Brendon's friends, came up to him with a sad look on her face.

 "Did you hear what happened?" she asked, Brendon, shook his head and she looked down.


 "Dallon Weekes, he killed himself last night..." she said sadly. Brendon had always known who Dallon was but he never talked to him.

 Brendon then realized that the person who wrote the letters... he ran to his locker and opened it, seeing the familiar pink paper, and he felt relief until he opened it.

 Dear Brendon,

  This is my last letter. I know you'll never like me, you don't even know me! As I'm writing this, the pills are slowly killing me.

 I just want you to know that I love you and that I'm sorry I ever bothered you.



 Brendon felt the tears fall as soon as he stopped reading the letter. He couldn't believe the person he had fallen in love with was dead, and not once did he ever talk to him. Not once did he tell him he loved him. Not once did he kiss him. And never again would he be happy.

A/N: I know I've uploaded twice today, but my friends aren't responding to my texts and I didn't go to school because I overslept because I was really upset and had no one to talk to. It's my fault though. I feel selfish saying this, but sometimes I feel like my friends would be better off without me, they ignore me in school for other people and all I do is make them deal with my problems. No matter how much I try to help it's like I'm never good enough for them, or at least I feel like I'm not. Don't get me wrong, my friends are amazing, but I feel like such a burden, even writing this I feel bad because you guys shouldn't have to deal with me. I'm sorry I'm so sad. I'll try to act happier. 


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