Two Double Cheeseburgers

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Suggestion by Gabriella_Ackerman

Being a college dropout wasn't the ideal life Brendon had thought it would be. He thought his music career would sky-rocket after his band's first hit album but as they began to fight more often and creative differences became a big problem, they split, leaving Brendon with no money, no education, and no source of income.

The only place that would except Brendon's lackluster application was none other than McDonald's. Now, there is a misconception that if you work at McDonald's that you must be stupid or something, which was so untrue.

Brendon wasn't stupid nor were many of his co-workers, he just made really poor life decisions. And working there wasn't easy either, getting paid very little, having to deal with nasty and rude customers, and having machines break.

Today was supposed to be Brendon's day off but his co-worker, Jae, called out sick and since Brendon was the only one who could fill in, he, unfortunately, had to go.

As he stood at the cash register, a very tall, attractive, blue-eyed male walked in wearing a Versace suit, Gucci shoes, and a very strong cologne. Why the hell was he in a McDonald's?

As he walked to Brendon he analyzed his features and smirked to himself before going up to order.

"Hello, what would you like to order?" Brendon asked unenthusiastically. The man smiled.

"I would like two double cheeseburgers and your phone number," Brendon laughed at the lame pick-up line.

"That'll be $3.52, please," Brendon said and the man pulled out a $10 bill.

"Keep the change," Brendon looked at him and simply said "okay" and put the order in.

For the next month, every day that Brendon worked, the man in the suit, who he learned was named Dallon would show up, order the same two cheeseburgers and lamely ask Brendon for his number

Today, Brendon wasn't in a particularly happy mood as the ice cream machine broke... again and a middle aged woman at the drive-thru decided to call Brendon an "uneducated f*g" because he couldn't give her an ice cream cone.

When the door opened and Brendon looked to see Dallon he sighed in relief. Dallon walked up, smile on his face as he ordered his usual and Brendon's number.

"That'll be $3.52 and it's 7499001," Brendon said and Dallon's jaw dropped, he'd finally gotten his number.

"I-Alright," He said, smile larger than before as he handed Brendon a 20, telling him to keep
the change as he wrote the number into his contacts before he forgot it.

Who knew that in just a year, Brandon's life would've changed so much. Dallon, the double cheeseburger ordering business man was now Brendon's long term boyfriend.

Brendon no longer worked at McDonalds, Dallon had gotten Brendon to get his GED and then hired him at his company.

Brendon's life had changed completely, he was the happiest he'd been in years. He'd felt bad at first because Dallon was spoiling him, legitimately paying for Brendon to go to college to get a degree in general music so he could be a music teacher, but Dallon constantly said it was no big deal, saying that he loved Brendon and as long as Brendon loved him back, they were fine.

And Brendon did, he loved Dallon so much, even if Dallon were dirt poor, Brendon would love him. He was kind and sweet, caring and compassionate. He was everything Brendon wanted and needed.

It all started with Dallon ordering two double cheeseburgers every weekday for a month and a half  and funny enough...Brendon's never seen him eat one.

A/N: LONG OVERDUE IM SO SORRY. I was going through a very bad depression episode and then some medical problems happened and I've been meaning to post and I'm so sorry. School starts tomorrow for me and know some of you probably started so you understand why I may not be uploading loads now but I'll try my hardest. I really miss posting here and seeing all of your nice comments, I love you have a good day/afternoon/night ! <33


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