Chapter 2 - Nothing to Something

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I find myself waking up to an empty room on a couch and to the sound of a screaming crowd with blasting music. I must have fallen asleep while waiting for them.

"Thank you and good night!" I hear from the stage.

"Good job boys!" I hear multiple male voices approaching. A tall boy with dark brown eyes, tan skin, and dark hair stops in the middle of the room and gives me a confused gaze.

"Um, who are you?" The boy asked.

"Oh! That's Danielle." Luke smiled.

"What is she doing here?" Another boy with curly, wavy brown locks and hazel eyes asks rather nicely.

"I think Luke was helping her with a bloody wrist or something." Michael says as he places his guitar in his case.

"Uh, who are you guys?" I asked. I didn't even know anyone's name besides Luke and Michael's.

"Sorry, I'm Ashton!" He smiled at me, revealing his deep dimples.

"I'm Calum." Calum still looked confused by the whole situation. "Luke!" He calls him over from putting the instruments away.

"Why is there a stranger on our couch and why is her bloody wrist covered in a paper towel?" Asks Calum harshly whispering to Luke, not noticing that I could hear him quite well.

", I found Danielle outside around the tour buses and her wrist was I decided to help her." Luke played with his fingers.

"Why was it bleeding? What happened?" Ashton seemed concerned along with Calum.

"I...uh...I fell, tripped over something and scrapped my wrist." I nervously lied, only leaving me and Luke with the truth, just between us.

"Oh, ouch!" Michael opened a bag of chips and started to share with Calum.

"Wait, why was she near the tour buses?" Ashton asked.

"I went for a walk and I guess I got lost...then I saw thousands of screaming girls and no one seemed to be behind the buses..." I held my face in my hands and sighed.

"Oh, so what now?" asked Michael, munching on a chip.

"Do you have somewhere to go?" Asked Calum. I thought about it for a second. I don't remember how to get home after the one hour walk I had. I didn't even have my phone with me so my sister wouldn't contact me.

"Um, no," I said quietly, a little embarrassed. "I have nothing right now..." I held back tears building up in my eyes. The guys all gathered around me and gave me a good stare, making me feel uncomfortable.

"What do you mean you have nothing?" Luke gave me a sad gaze.

"I mean, I don't have any extra cash with me and I don't have my phone on me!" I realized that my voice had raised in frustration.

"Hey...hey Danielle. It's okay." Luke rubbed my arm gently.

"No it's not..." I said to myself. My dark brown eyes were now red and teary from holding back so much anger and tears.

Luke's P.O.V

Danielle's bottom lip shivered as she pierced my sight, keeping her depressed gaze on me. I've known Danielle for about a day now and I absolutely hated seeing a person so sad, so miserable...

"You know what?" I had an idea.

"What?" Danielle sighed.

"Let's get something to eat, Michael is already getting into MY chips!" Michael chuckled. "Are you hungry?" I asked Danielle, looking down at her lap.

"Y-yeah, I'm a little hungry." Her cheeks flushed into a shade of pink.

"Alright! Let's get a bite to eat, yeah?"


"What would you like, Danielle?" I looked at the McDonald's menu. McDonald's was basically our only and closest option at the moment.

"Um...I don't have any money..." Danielle shyly looked up at me.

"It's okay, I've got you covered!" I smiled down at her.


"It's alright." I cut her off. Danielle peered up at the menu.

"I'll have a Big Mac, large fries, a crispy chicken wrap and Iced Tea please!" Danielle grew a smile.

"WOW!" Michael heard from the table. Danielle giggled quietly.

"That's a lot for a little one!" I chuckled.

"Well...I haven't really eaten properly in about a week." Danielle removed her sweater, now in a Red Hot Chilli Peppers t-shirt.

"Whoa!" I widely smiled. "You like the Red Hot Chilli Willies?!" I asked in excitement.

"Yeah! I love them, they're a great band." She grew a smile.

Danielle is short, about 5'5 and is quite small and thin. My eyes widened as I saw more cuts and scars along her left arm. Danielle looked up at me, glancing at her arm in such shock. She gasped and immediately wrapped her sweater around her arm.


"Okay guys, I'm off to bed!" Ashton calls for the other end of the tour bus. "Good night, idiots."

"Yeah, me too. Good night Lukey." Calum agrees with Ashton, taking off his shirt before sliding into his bunk.

"Night, Luke!" Michael walks past me in his boxers, already. Danielle stood in front of the door of the bus, staring at everyone going to bed. She frowned. Catching my gaze, she gave me a weak smile.

It didn't seem like anyone cared or ever loved for this beautiful girl. Danielle took the elastic hair tie out of her messy bun and let her light brown wavy hair flow down to her elbows. She's actually quite stunning.

"Well, I guess I'm gonna go now..." Danielle turned around and held the door nob. "Thanks for everything, Luke." I could hear a faint sigh behind her words.

"Wait!" I stopped her before taking a step out of the bus. "Where are you going?"

"I don't know." She shrugged. "Wherever the road takes me, I guess."

"You can stay here..." I suggested. "You can spend the night here."

"Thank you, Luke. But there's nowhere for me to sleep." Danielle closed the door behind her.

"You can have my bunk," I smiled.

"No, it's fi-"

"Have my bunk, it's okay. I'll take the couch." She nodded her head and made her way to my bunk. Her short legs helped her jump into my bunk.

"Good night, Luke," Danielle whispered softly. "Thanks again."

"No problem, get some rest."


"AHHH!!!" I jolted up from my sleep, terrified. I woke up to screeching.


"STOP IT!!!" I heard more screaming coming from the banks. It kind of sounds like...Danielle!

"Danielle!!!" I immediately jumped from the couch and made my way towards her.

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