Chapter 27 - Let Me Go

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I could feel mine and Luke's relationship crumbling to bits as we both sat there, staring at the floor with watery eyes and broken hearts.

"I'm so sorry..." I cringed in confusion, not knowing why Luke would be sorry. I deserved the beat. What I did was wrong.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being an irresponsible worthless piece of shit - just like you said."

"Dani, I didn't me-"

"You're right." I shrugged. "You know, I'm so used to being beaten, both verbally and physically that it doesn't even bother me anymore..." I broke eye contact with Luke, not being able to look at his face, feeling all the guilt and pain behind his glossy blue orbs. Luke's phone rang again. Pulling the phone out of his pocket, Ashton's name appeared on the screen once more.

"Hello?" Luke sighed.

"You're welcome..." Ashton hung up the phone before Luke could even respond. Luke shook his head down at me.

"I told you!" I threw my hands in the air, beyond furious with Ashton, along with myself. "I'm nothing but a bad luck charm..." I looked down at my wrists, having the awful urge to harm myself. Before I met Luke, when times got rough, harming myself was the only way out of things. I felt like I deserved to be hurt. I scanned my wrists, looking at my faded scars. These scars faded for one reason and one reason only. Luke.

"Don't even think about it." Luke caught me off guard. He knew what I was thinking about.

"I need you to do me a favour..." My dark, glossy orbs met his bright blue ones.

"Yes?" Luke huffed.

"Let me go." I held back a wall of tears built up behind my dull eyes.

"What?" Luke's pupils widened as his lips parted. Deep down, he didn't want to. "No!"

"Yes, Luke. I need you to let me go..." All I do is ruin everyone and everything. I am the one to blame for all that's happened.

"No, I can't-"

"Just because I'm letting you go doesn't mean that I want to. It's for our own good, my own good." My wall of tears that built up over time finally bursts. I have lost complete control of the tears running down my face, along with my feelings. I was numb for the first time in a long time. I feel like I was back to my old self before I met Luke. "I mean, this was fun while it lasted." I shrugged and cleared my face with the back of my hand.

"But..." I left Luke speechless, let alone hurt as well. He removed himself from his seat and sat next to me on the floor. Luke cupped my chin, turning my face towards his; causing me not to look anywhere else but his face. "I love you." The three words in life that are supposed to be the most wonderful thing to hear, crushed me. His words ripped my heart to shreds, knowing that he loved me and I was willing to put an end to us. I shook my head and squeezed my eyes shut.

"If you love me enough, you'd let me go." I deeply sighed. Luke took his hand away from my face. He knew that I wasn't good enough for him, but for my sake, he was worried.

"I can't-"

"C'mom Luke! I'll go back living with my sister. You'll go back to Sydney, be with your friends, family and find someone who that you deserve." The more I spoke, the more upset Luke and I got. "You'll meet someone funnier, smarter, prettier. Someone that is loyal and will treat you like a king because you are nothing but a good person." I pointed to his chest, just above the heart. Luke's blue orbs remained glossy, attempting to hold himself together. I could feel my phone vibrate in the back pocket of my sweat pants. I punched in my passcode and read a text from Andrea saying "Pls be home by 11:30PM. Love u .xx" She sounded like my mother, but then again, she's always kind of been a mother to me.

"I need to go..." The horrible feeling of keeping myself from crying struck me in the chest. My head pounded and my throat felt as if it was being choked up.

"So, this is it?" Luke asked, surprised this was happening so soon. We both knew this was going to happen eventually. I nodded as he pulled me into a hug and pressed an unexpected kiss to my lips one last time. That's when the salty tears began to fall into the kiss. Both our salty tears met at our lips. Once we pulled away, Luke and I glanced at each other's faces. Our eyes were red and puffy along with our swollen lips.

"This is it..." I said, faintly and slowly gathered all my belongs. I groaned ad mt body still pained. Before leaving out the door of the music room I remembered that I was still wearing Luke's blue plaid shirt.

"Keep it." He said as I was taking it off. I nodded and gave Luke a last stare before letting him go.

"Thank you." I mouthed. "Thank you for everything..."

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