Chapter 30 - Thrills

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After Luke and I spent the rest of the night in my bedroom exchanging body heat, pressing sweet kisses to each other's lips from here to there and talking about anything and everything, I woke up to a clean flat. I got up and looked around. The floors were cleared, the furniture was placed back in its original position and my flat looked and felt cleaner than it ever did.

"Luke?" I searched. "Did you do this?"

"BOO!" Luke playfully close-lined me onto the couch, startling the shit out of me. I screeched and covered my face with my hands. Luke placed himself on top of me and chuckled.

"Oh c'mon!" I couldn't stay mad at him. Luke's fingers gently tickled my inner thighs and risen up to my hip bones, then stomach. The faster his fingers scattered the more ticklish I'd get. I swarmed, giggling, trying to escape his weight from pinning me down. I placed my feet up to his chest, attempting to push Luke off of me. Once Luke got a hold of my feet I instantly knew it was a bad decision.

"Don't..." I whimpered, already out of breath from laughing too hard. Luke smirked and obviously didn't listen. He held my legs in his tight grip, tickling my feet until my eyes built up with tears. My leg flinched from being tickled so much to the point where I kicked Luke off the couch as hard as I could. Luke fell on his backbone, the poor thing.

"Oh my God!" I couldn't help but laugh at the moment. "Are you okay?" Luke's chuckled filled the room. His happiness was disguised as mine. Luke sat on the floor, resting his elbows on his knees and glanced up at me.

"So, what would you like to do today?" He smiled, revealing his dimples. I sighed, laying down and stared at the ceiling, pondering for a while. As an idea formed in my mind, a smirk appeared on my face. "What?" Asked Luke.

"We're going to Canada's Wonderland..." The look on Luke's face made me burst into laughter.

"We're going where?" He slightly chuckled.

"It's an amusement park! I haven't been on a roller coaster in ages."

"Wait, there're roller coasters?"

"Yes, of course, massive ones!" Luke seemed frightened. "Aw, c'mon Luke! Don't tell me you're afraid of roller coasters." I mocked him. He nodded his head and told me it wasn't funny. To be honest, it was funny. I wouldn't think a boy who dressed in ripped black clothing, has a lip ring and is in a band would be afraid of roller coasters. I mean, I have anxiety, but not when it comes to amusement parks. I love the feeling of being thrilled in that type of way.


"This is it!" I held Luke's hand in the middle of the ginormous amusement park. I looked up at his tall frame. Luke glanced around the park as if he had never been in public before. I clenched Luke's hand tighter, slightly pulling on him.

"Babe, calm down!" I tugged Luke down to my height and pressed a kiss to his cheek. A smile formed on his face as he took a deep breath. I've never seen Luke afraid of anything like this before.

"We're going on THAT?!" Luke's body froze, looking up at the massive blue and green coaster that stood in front of us. I nodded my head and grinned.


"Why are you making me do this?" Luke tighten his grip on the strap of the seat holding him down.

"Apparently, when a couple does frightening, yet thrilling things together it can bring them closer; knowing that they have each other," I smiled and clenched Luke's hand.

"That sounds quite intelligent." Luke laughed, nervously.

"I know a thing or two about a thing or two..." A smirk appeared on my face, remembering that Calum would always use that phrase.

As the roller coaster began to climb its way up the 80 degrees steep rails Luke's breathing pace increased. He went from biting his lip, to taking deep breaths and to digging his nails into the seat.

"Relax, babe. Live life to the fullest, let go, let loose because life is too short to be afraid." I rubbed his right leg, attempting to calm his nerves.

"Where'd you get that from?" He slightly chuckles.

"You." I said as I pressed a kiss to his lips the coaster dropped at full speed.

Luke clenched my hand as tight as he could and gripped the seat as I screeched in thrilling excitement, throwing my free hand in the air. I couldn't help but laugh at the look on Luke's face. His eyes were squeezed shut and his lips sunk into his mouth.

Finally, the roller coaster had come to a stop. Luke was glued to the seat and was frozen up until the strap came loose. As everyone walked by, getting off the ride I tugged Luke into a hug. His body was still trembling with fear.

"I'm so proud of you for doing that for me!" I smiled, letting him know of how much courage he held.

"You were laughing at me!" Luke playfully pushed me away and crossed his arms, walking away from the ride. I didn't deny it, giggling along with him. "Can we please go to the arcade now?" Luke pouted.

"Of course, nerd." I teased him.

"I'm not a nerd! I just like games and winning prizes and shit!" Luke tried to be serious but broke out into laughter instead.


After Luke and I played in the arcade for about 2 hours we decided to get something to eat - and by that I mean pizza, hot dogs and funnel cake.

"You eat a lot for a short, tiny girl." Luke chuckled on his food.

"You're a 6-foot pussy, afraid of roller coasters and-"

"Okay, I take it back!" Luke cut me off, knowing that I'll hit him hard with a better come back.


I began to notice that the sky was growing dark and the lights became brighter around the park. Every Friday night the park would spontaneously put in a firework show. I led Luke to a grassy hill in the amusement park, a perfect spot to watch fireworks. I laid down beside him on the grass, resting my head on his chest. I could hear the sound of his heartbeat, thumping two beats at a time.

"What's up, hun?" Luke rubbed my arm, pulling me closer to his body. He knew I wanted to say something by the way I was hesitating. "You can tell me." He left a kiss on my forehead, comforting me.

"You..." I refilled my lungs with new oxygen. "You're the reason for my heart beat..." Luke's beating heart reminded me of why I was still here. His heart was strong.

"You're the reason why there is still blood running through my veins and oxygen in my lungs. You're the reason why I don't have a cracked open are the reason for my existence." Before I could manage to say anything else Luke's lips reached mine, causing my teary eyes to flutter shut.

"This is the beginning of the end..." Luke mumbled against my lips.

Authors Note: Thank you so much for reading my fan fiction! Also, endless thank you's if you voted, commented, and or shared my novel. It means the world!

Many of you requested for me to write another completely different fan fiction also including Luke and that's what I'm currently writing. If you'd like to read more of what I have to come please make sure to follow me and stay tuned. I'll follow back. x

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