Chapter 23 - Love Drunk

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Danielle's P.O.V

"Ashton, you can't make me fall in love with you when my heart already belongs to Luke." I removed myself from his lap and sat next to him on the curb.

"You just can't let go, can you?" Ashton threw his hands in the air. I stared back at him, furiously.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I slapped him across the face with the palm of my hand so hard that my hand stung. Ashton turned his face back to me and pressed his hand over where I had slapped him, leaving a red hand imprint. Ashton's green orbs became glossy.

"I really don't get you, Ash!" I stood up and looked down on at him with my hands on my hips. "One minute you're what seems like yourself, then the next minute you're a complete dick!" Ashton sighed to himself and looked away from me, not being able to hold his hurtful gaze on me. Ashton did nothing but sit there and fidget with his fingers.

"I'm sorry that I'm foolishly in love you..." Ashton's words caught my attention as I was about to walk away.

"You're WHAT?!"

"I'm in love with you, Danielle." Ashton fluttered his glossy orbs up at me and frowned. "I'm sorry." He shrugged. No one should ever be sorry for being in love with someone. The poor boy simply can't help himself. Ash needed to get his mind off me so I could focus on Luke.

"I have an idea..." I slightly smirked off to the side. Ashton raised an eyebrow, waiting for me to continue. "I'm taking you out tonight." Ashton's face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"We're going on a date?!" He stood up.

"No, no! We're gonna find you a date." Ashton smile drastically turned into a frown. "Ash, you need a woman and there's a pub just down the road." I giggled. He sighed and shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know Dani..." Ash rubbed the back of his neck.

"C'mon Ashton! If I wasn't with Luke, I'd definitely go for you." I couldn't help but blush because it was true.

"Fine!" Ashton smiled.


"Hey, Liz..." I knocked on her bedroom door. I felt sort of ashamed asking if I could borrow a dress or something nice to wear to the pub because I didn't have many clothes.
"Yes, hun?" Liz opened the door and let me in. As soon as I told her about taking Ash to the pub she smiled and rushed over to her closet. Liz dug to the very back of the closet and pulled out a slim, strapless black dress. It seemed tight and short.
"This obviously doesn't fit me anymore, so you can wear this tonight!" The dress was quite nice and was still modern.
"Oh my gosh Liz, thank you so much!" Liz handed me the dress and tugged me into a hug.


"Ashton, are you ready yet?!" I said on the other side of his bedroom door. Without warning Ashton swung open the door, letting it hit the wall. Ashton's eyes widened as his pupils grew bigger.

"What? Is there something wrong?" I glanced down at myself and patted the dress that embraced my tiny body. I looked up at Ashton, shaking his head from side to side; still looking somewhat stunned.

"You look beautiful..." He was left speechless. I felt my cheeks heat up as I took my eyes off him. I could never accept a compliment from anyone because I'm too broken and lost in myself to believe it. Ashton looked quite handsome as well, I must admit. He wore a black blazer, which I've never seen before; with a plain t-shirt underneath along with black skinny jeans.

"We match!" He giggled. His giggle was so contagious I couldn't help but laugh as well.

"Remember tonight isn't about me. It's about you." I stared into his green orbs as I fixed the collar of his blazer. Ashton nodded.

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