Chapter 15 - Oh Well

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Luke's P.O.V

Danielle slightly smirked at the words slipping from my mouth. She laid beneath me, looking into my crystal blue orbs. Danielle rested her arms above her head allowing me to lift up her shirt when all of a sudden she giggles silently.

"What's so funny?" I smiled.

"Your fingers." She giggled. "They're tickling my stomach." Before I could even think about Danielle being the 'gentle, innocent one, she flips me over onto my back. Dani hovered over me in her black bra and loose PJ shorts. She's a hot ball of fire when she wants. Dani has a small, short, thin but curvy body. I placed my large hands on her bum, squeezing slightly and pushed her onto me. Danielle's long, light brown hair tickled my bare chest as she left love bite trails down my neck. I slipped my hands into her shorts and slowly pulled them down.

"No," Danielle stopped. "I can't."

"Why n-"

"I've never..." I could now see the innocents in her pouty eyes. I nodded and sighed, but respected her.

"I'm sorry." Her cheeks flushed pink as she took herself off of me.

"It's alright, I get it." I slightly smiled and lifted her chin to press a kiss to her soft lips.


Danielle's P.O.V

I laid on the couch in between Luke's long legs, leaning against his chest as he gently stroked my hair while talking to the other guys about their own business. I played with my fingers, thinking about home and my sister. I thought about what's been going on back home. Does my sister wonder where I am? Does she give a shit about me? Probably not, but I have to admit I did kind of miss her presence. Even though she treated me like crap most of the time we did get along sometimes and I miss that.

"Are you alright?" Luke somewhat scared me, forgetting I was completely zoned out.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I really was.

"You seem upset." He brushed my cheek with the back of his hand and pressed a kiss just above my ear.

"Just thinking," I mumbled.

"Thinking about who?"

"Luke?!" The boys teased. I shook it off and smiled. I tangled my short, thin legs with Luke's as he wrapped his warm, muscular arms tightly around me. I could feel the heat of his skin come off onto mine.

"What are you thinking about?" Asked Luke out of the blue. I didn't reply for about a minute, figuring out if I wanted to lie or tell the truth.

"I kinda miss my sister." I buried my head into Luke's neck.

"I thought you didn't get along." He mumbled against my head.

"We didn't, but when we did - I just..." I paused, starting to get a little emotional. "I just miss her presence of when we were younger and how we got along." I sighed knowing the only family I had left was Luke and the boys.

"It's alright." Luke patted my waist. "You have us."

"You guys are the only family I have left." I kind of giggled, laughing it off to show I wasn't that upset, but I was.

"We love you." Ashton gave me a weak smile from the other couch across the room. I looked up at Luke, expecting him to look somewhat jealous of Ash because he knew he had feelings for me as well. But instead, Luke's bright blue orbs laid into me, smiling.

"Yeah, we do love you, Dani!" Said Michael.

"I love your bum!" Calum joked causing me to laugh for real this time.

"Oh, fuck off mate!" Luke tried not to laugh but failed miserably.

"I love you guys..." I said softly as I dozed off to sleep on Luke's chest.


I woke up in my bed with excruciating stomach pains. I grunted and groaned. I flip from left to right and laying on my stomach, but nothing helped. I brought my knees up to my chest, clenching them together to ease the pain. All of a sudden I could stomping down the hall coming closer and closer to my bedroom. Luke burst through the door. He must have heard my groans.

"What's wrong Dani?" Luke looked concerned by the position I wad in.

"My stomach..." I had the urge to cry. "It hurts." I held onto it and sat up, lifting white bed sheets off of me. Luke's eyes widened.

"What?" I asked and tried to see what he was looking at. Beside me was a pool of blood. OH. MY. GOD. I could feel my cheeks heat up bright red as my mouth hung open. I just got my damn period on a white bed in a house full of boys with no pads, no tampons, no nothing.

"Holy sh - I-I'm...I." I didn't know what to say I was so incredibly embarrassed. "I am so, so sorry..." I held my face in my hands as a tear slipped down my cheek. The pain and the embarrassment got worse and worse.

"Here." Luke took off the sweater he was wearing and handed it over to me.


"Wrap it around your waist. It's okay, I'll be right back." Before I could say anything else Luke left the room in a hurry.


About 20 minutes later Luke comes back with a pack of pads and tampons. I couldn't help but burst into laughter from both our faces, bright red from blushing of embarrassment.

"Thank you!" I chuckled as he nodded his head at me.


Author's Note: Hello! If you're enjoying my 'cheeky' Luke Hemmings Fan Fiction so far please make sure to vote and feel free to leave a comment. I love hearing from you all! 

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