Chapter 3 - Caused Drama

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I stumble my way to the bunk. Danielle's breathing became very heavy. She was screaching, screaming, and kicking the bunk.

"MAKE IT STOP, MAKE IT STOP!" Danielle gave it her all, screaming at the top of her lungs. Her eyes tightly shut, but an endless stream of tears ran down her face.

"DANIELLE!" I shook her, attempting for her to awaken. The guys instantly rushed their way to us, extremely concerned. I lifted Danielle from the bunk, with her still kicking and screaming. I sat her down in my bunk.

"Danielle, Danielle...shhh. You need to calm down." I held her closer, embracing her. Danielle's breathing soon slowed down, and her crying soon faded. With Danielle's eyes still shut, she embraces me tightly, gripping the back of my t-shirt. I heard her deeply huff, out of breath.

"Shh... it's okay. You're fine." Danielle finally opened her eyes, so red and teary.

"It was just a dream..." I could feel Danielle's shivers through her tiny body. "Do you want to talk about it?" I wiped away her tears with my shirt.

"It-it was just a bad dream..." Danielle sighs in relief, snugging her face into my neck.

"Yeah, Luke, can we have a minute?" Calum crossed his arms.

"Dude!" Michael whispered, harshly.

"She's a little crazy..." Ahston shrugged.

"What? No she's not!" Danielle isn't 'crazy'. She seems to have a past, a story behind her that I don't know about.

"She is a stranger that you met yesterday." Calum tried to prove a point. "Danielle is probably homeless!"

"Look, this girl obviously has no one. I feel like there is a past, a story behind her that caused Danielle to end up like this." I tried to convince them. "I want to help her, I really do because I can't just leave her now." The guys faces now showed a sense of empathy.

"Alright, fine." Michael sighed. "I don't think I've ever seen you care about a girl so much!" He teased and laughed at me along with the others.


"Okay, we've got some time before the show tonight and I need to do some shopping!" Ashton stated. "You guys wanna come to the shopping mall across the street with me?" He asked.

"Nah, I'm good." Calum didn't move from his seat.

"Luke! You should come with me, you can bring Danielle!" Ashton winked. I rolled my eyes, knowing he was teasing me.

Danielle's P.O.V

I could get some new clothes. I looked down at myself in disgust. But I didn't want Luke to waste his money on me.  I'm not sure, but I never really seemed to like it when people bought me things simply because I felt like I didn't deserve it.


"Ouu! I love these." I pick up a pair of white converse from the shelf and slip them on. I take a look at the price tag. $45 for these? I frowned and placed the converse back up on the shelf.

"Do you like those?" Luke gave me a small smirk, already knowing the answer.

"Yeah, but they're too much." I wasn't going to let him buy me expensive things. I felt bad I didn't have my own money.

"It's fine, I got ya!" Luke took the converse from the shelf.

"I'm not gonna let you buy me expensive things!"

"Danielle, look at your feet." I looked down at my feet slipped into old, worn out flip flops. "You need shoes." Luke let out a small chuckle. Before I could say anything else he went to pay for my converse. Luke then handed me the shoes with a grin on his face.

"You're spoiling me!" I giggled.

"I'm only trying to help."

"Thank you." I said, shyly.

"Hey guys! Do you like this bandana?"

"Oh my God Ash! You have tons." Luke chuckled, revealing his dimples.


While Luke and Ashton were in a different store I decided to try on some clothes just for fun. Looking through the clothing on shelves and stacked on tables, I picked out a pair of short jean shorts and a black crop top with white poka dots. I closed the fitting room door behind me and peeled off my dirty clothes. I slipped into the jean shorts and fitted into the crop top perfectly. I walked out, leaving my dirty clothes in the fitting room. I looked around the store.

"HEY, LOOK! THAT WOMAN IS STEALING!" I shouted and pointed to a random woman, completely innocent. I ripped off the price tags of my clothing and ran out of the store, people didn't even notice me from the drama I've caused in the opposite direction.

As I'm walking around I come across a perfume store. The smell caught my senses and pulled me in. Every now and then I would spray some perfume here and there. I even applied some deodorant because I have to admit, I was kinda smelly after 2 days. After my little time alone I met up with Ashton and Luke who I found at the food court.

"Hey Dani!" Luke's mouth was stuffed with food. I sat down with them at their tabel. "Is it okay if I call you Dani?" He asks.

"Yeah, of course!"

"Wait..." Ahston's hazel orbs scanned my body. "How did you get those new clothes?" Luke then did the same and realized I wasn't wearing the same thing.

"I stole them." I leaned over the tabel and whispered quietly in between them.

"YOU WHAT?!" Ashton freaked.

"SHHH!" I placed my finger over my lips.

"How?" Luke almost spat out his food.

"I distracted people by causing drama in the opposite direction of me." I smirked, feeling quite naughty.

"Wow." Ahston seemed surprised.

"You're so badass!" Luke chuckled.


Luke's P.O.V

As we were walking back to the tour buses I couldn't help, but look at Danielle. I can't keep my eyes off her. She may be short and tiny, but she's very attractive. Danielle walked a somewhat far distance in front of Ashton and I.

"Danielle is kinda hot, eh?" Ashton gave me a nudge.

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