Chapter 6 - The Last Straw

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"Come on pretty boy! You wanna go?" Greg clenched his fists and held them in front of his face.

"Look, we don't need to fight..." Luke began to back up, bumping into me.

"I'm not gonna let a stranger be with my girlfriend's sister!" Greg came after Luke in full force, slamming his body into the fence.

"Luke!" I covered my mouth, worried. A painful groan slipped from his lips. Greg held Luke in a deadly headlock as his breathing became faint as his face turned blood red. By the second Luke's breath became shortened. His body was weak, losing his balance.

"GREG, I'LL GO HOME WITH YOU!" Greg instantly lets go of Luke. He dropped to his knees, now on the ground choking and coughing for air. I couldn't bare the sight of Luke being choked to death.

"What?" Said Luke under his breath.

"Alright! Let's go Dani." Greg tightly grabbed me by the arm and pulled me along with him towards the truck. I glance back at Luke still on the ground looking back at me. As he held his neck, gasping for air his eyes became glossy from built up tears.

"Don't..." Luke whispered loud enough for me to hear. I was never going to leave Luke in the first place. I stopped and unexpectedly tugged my arm from Greg's grip.

"Hey, what's that?!" I pointed to his truck, making it seem like there was something wrong with it. While Greg had his attention on his truck I raised my knee up to his crotch and smashed all my strength into it. Greg's tall frame collapsed to the ground, holding his crotch with his hands, almost sobbing.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!" He yelled. I looked over at Luke, stunned. I smirked and slightly giggled, proud of myself for having the guts to do something as crazy as that. I've wanted to sack the living shit out of him for years.

"Oh Greg!" I placed my hand on my hip, giving him an evil laugh. "I did that because you treat me like shit. You and my sister, Andrea treat me like absolute shit. You only want me home so you can abuse me. You make my life miserable. You guys don't feed me, don't care for me and you're always drunk, or out clubbing!" I quite enjoyed speaking y mind for once. "After 4 days of me being gone, being free you all of a sudden seem to care about me? That's bull!" Greg's jaw tensed from the unbearable pain.

"See Luke over there?" I pointed to Luke sitting against the wall. Greg looked up at Luke. "Luke found me crying against a building wall and asked me what was wrong. He was a complete stranger. You know, Luke just could have walked past me and ignored the fact that I was there...I had NOTHING! No food, no phone, no money, and no clean clothes. Luke gave me all that I needed without me even asking for it. This boy proved to me that he cares." A smile appeared on Luke's face. He stood up and held his hand in mine. Kissing the top of my forehead, he tugged me into a hug.

"I'm better off with Luke, then I am with you and Andrea!" Luke looked down at me and smiled.

"I'm so proud of you." He whispered into my ear. Lifting my feet off the ground, Luke playfully throws me over his shoulder and made a run for it; leaving Greg be. "The guys are waiting! I'm late for rehearsal!" Luke nervously chuckled.


"MOM?!" My mom died when I was seven years old, along with my dad in a car crash. "What the...?" I was completely frightened and confused.

"Danielle..." My mom stood across the room, smiling at me.

"Are- are you...real?" I sprinted across the room, opening my arms to and embrace her. As I was expecting to end up in her arms, I ran right through her. "Oh...right. You're dead." I sighed. My mom entwined her fingers together, still smiling at me. Her long brown hair rested on her shoulders. Her ocean, blue orbs pierced into mine, almost feeling like she was looking into my soul. Her pale, white skin glowed.

"I miss you, mom." I shed a tear. I haven't seen her in 10 years.

"I love you, Dani." She left a cold kiss on my forehead.

"Where's Daddy?" Another figure seemed to be forming beside mom.

"Dad?!" I stopped myself from pulling him into a hug, remembering I wasn't able to.

"You've grown so much." My dad's pale face formed a grin, making crinkles around his dark, brown orbs.

"It's been really hard without you around..." I fluttered my eyes to keep me from crying.

"We know, honey..." My mom held onto my dad's hand. "We're so proud of you."

"Why are you proud of me? I'm a bad person. I run away, I steal, I hurt people...I cut." I crossed my arms, finding the floor now interesting to look at.

"You've been strong for so long and even when you feel like giving up, you held on." My mom rested her head on my dad's shoulder, rubbing his arm.

"That's why we're proud of you, hun.'' My dad placed a kiss on my cheek, leaving it cold.

"We love you. Stay strong and keep Luke close..." My parents figure began slowly start to fade.

"Please don't leave!" A stream of tears fell down my face. "Wait!" How was I able to see them?

"Dani!" "Danielle!" I heard voices coming from what heard like every corner. I looked around to no one in the room. "DANIELLE, WAKE UP!" I fluttered my eyes open to Luke shaking me, awakening me.

"OH MY GOD!" Luke hovered over me. "What? What...just happened?" I rubbed my face, feeling my wet face from tears.

"You were talking and crying in your sleep again!" Luke seemed worried.


"Yeah, you fell asleep cuddled up against me last night." I sat up and looked around, realizing we were in a hotel room, blushing slightly.

"But..." My dream felt so real. Were my parents actually present in my dream? "They said to stay close to you." I looked up at Luke. Mom and dad knew about Luke...they know everything. They've watched me grow up, living this life I've always struggled with.

"Who is they?" Luke laid on his stomach, next to me; resting his chin on his clenched fist.

"My parents..." My eyes widened, still in disbelief from what just happened. Luke's face showed confusion.

"They know me?"

"They know you, but you don't know them." I missed them dearly.

"How?" Luke seemed crept out.

"Um..." The lump in my throat grew bigger. "They both died in a car crash when I was 7 years old..." A tear landed in the palm of my hand.

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