Chapter 13 - A Little Game

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"I never did that." Danielle immediately pulled away, realizing what she was doing was wrong.

"Did wha-?"

"I never kissed you. I never kissed your cheek, nor have I ever touched you in any romantic way or form. Got it?!" She snapped, upset with herself.

"I almost thought that this was real..." I sighed and frowned, looking down at my lap.

"I'm sorry Ashton, but I'm with Luke." Danielle's finger lifted my chin up, facing her. I could see nothing but hurt and sorrow pulling her dark, brown orbs.

"I know." I nodded my head as my heart broke a little more.


Danielle's P.O.V

"Ugh, I'm so bored." Calum rested his head on his clenched hand over the kitchen bar table.

"I have an idea..." I smirked.

"What's that smirk about?" Luke slightly giggled.

"Let's play a little game." I jumped onto the counter and pulled out a bottle of alcohol from the cabinet.

"Spin the bottle?!" Michael laughed. "What are we? In year 9?"

"No, no!" I popped the bottle and poured the alcohol in 5 shot glasses for each of us. I looked up at the boys, giving me raised eyebrows. "This isn't your ordinary Spin the Bottle."

"Go on..." Calum seemed interested, sitting up straight.

"Once the bottle lands on you after spinning it, you have to take a shot of this!" I formed a smirk as their mouths opened in awe. I've never tried this before, but I've always wanted to try it.

"Who made this up?" Luke looked slightly concerned.

"I did, but I've never tried it." I bring the shot glasses and bottle to the coffee table in the living room.

"I don't know if this is a good idea..." Luke stood his ground in the kitchen as the other boys made their way over to the living room along with me. "I mean, we're underage too."

"C'mon Luke! We're in an LA house in the middle of nowhere. I'm sure we'll be fine!" I patted the carpet beside me on the floor, telling him to sit. Luke sighed and sat beside me on the floor in a circle with the boys.

"You gotta let go, get loose." I pressed a kiss to Luke's lips, causing him to break into a smile.

"Ouu, I like this chick!" Calum jokes.

"Wait, where is Ashton?" I asked, just realizing he hasn't been here the whole time.

"He's in his room, he seemed upset." Michael seemed somewhat confused. I nodded my head and sadly understood.

"I'll go get him." I let the boys know, taking the bottle with me. I climbed the large, glass stairs. I slightly knocked on Ashton's bedroom door and waited a while. No answer. I knocked a little louder once again, but there was still no answer. I began to worry as I turned the doorknob, slowly.

"Ash?" I peeked my head in the door to spotting Ashton curled up in his bed with a soaked pillow from his tears. "Ashton?!" The sight of seeing Ash so upset tore me apart, knowing exactly what he was feeling. A part of me secretly had feelings for Ashton I couldn't control.

"Ash, what's wrong?" I rubbed his back in a circular motion, attempting to comfort him.

"Go away..." He groaned, rolling over on his side.

"I think you need some of this to be honest." I held up the bottle of alcohol to his face.

"No way!" Ashton sat up, stunned. "We're underage - none of us are 21!"

"Oh my God, Ash calm down." I rolled my eyes. "Like I told Luke, we're in the middle of nowhere in a large house in LA, what's the worst that can happen?" Ashton sighed and took a deep breath.

"Alright, fine I'll do it." He crossed his arms.


Luke's P.O.V

"You? Again?!" Michael threw his head back, laughing hysterically at the bottle landing on Danielle for the 5th time; causing her to take her 5th shot. I didn't want to play just in case Danielle and the guys get full out wasted.

"You're such a party-pooper!" Danielle teased me as she took her shot. Danielle's speech became sloppy and sometimes non-understandable. She gripped the bottle with her long, pale fingers and spun it, landing on Ashton. Ashton had consumed more than 7 shots of alcohol by now. Instead of Ash pouring another shot, he leaned in over the circle and kissed Danielle intensively; holding her face with one hand and the other ghosting up her tank top.

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