Chapter 12: Miss Mystic Fall

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Season 1 Episode 19: Miss Mystic Fall

As soon as I saw Bonnie with Caroline and Elena, I ran up to her. "Bonnie!" I embarrassingly gave her a childish sequel as I tackled her into a hug.

After her Gram died, I started to text her more often every day with Caroline and actually saw her a few times (being a werewolf, rich kid, and pretty smart that grades aren't an issue made it so much easier to visit). "Percy!" Bonnie gave out a startled laugh as she caught me before she could crash to the ground.

"How are you doing?" I asked while peering up to her. Today felt like one of the childish days sadly, but I didn't really care about that right now.

"Better. Just better." Bonnie said to both Caroline and I who were extremely happy to see her. "You know, just glad to be back, and try to keep myself busy."

Caroline instantly perked up. "Well, I can help with that. Major wardrobe confab needed ASAP. You need to help me pick the perfect dress for the Founder's Court." It instantly made me perk up also.

Sadly, living with a group of sister and no boys (other than the occasional visit from Apollo), I learned some girly stuff including fashion, makeup, and hair. I was surprisingly really good at all three of them too. "The Founder's Court? Did I miss something?" Elena asked confused.

Caroline and Bonnie looked at Elena a little confused on how she could've forgotten. "The Founder's Court. You know, Miss Mystic Falls. They announced it today, and, um, you and I are both in it," Caroline explained.

I watched as understanding washed over Elena. "Oh, my god, we signed up for that so long ago. I completely forgot."

Caroline scoffed a little. "Yeah." She started a little awkward before asking worriedly, "So, are you dropping out, then?"

Elena looked put out but hesitantly said, "I can't."

At my confused look Bonnie elaborated, "Her mom is the one who wanted her to enter."

I understood suddenly, I know I still do a few hobbies (mainly drawing) because my mom loved it when I drew and asked me to never stop and to cultivate my skills. With the awkward conversation, the annoying bell for next period rang warning we had to be in our class in five minutes. Instantly, I grabbed Bonnie and Caroline's hand and dragged them to our next class. It was sadly one without Elena but I wasn't really going to shed any tears over it.

"Can I help you get ready? I want you to look at a few of the dresses I have at my house before you choose anything alright?" I asked Caroline wondering if she wanted my help.

"Thank you so much Percy," Caroline gushed but I could tell they were both wondering how well I knew my stuff to be helping out.

It was after class and I had Tyler drive the two girls and I home, much to his chagrin. From there, Tyler went to hang out in his room or the workout room as I dragged them toward the end of my closet where we had a room; sadly, full of make-up, dresses, and overall a very girly room. "This is amazing." Caroline gushed as she saw this lovely emerald green dress on one of the mannequins that were around the room.

"Come on, let's try some on." Bonnie said excitedly as she glanced around the room. I just sat on one of the long white benches outside of the changing rooms and watched as Bonnie and Caroline grabbed a few dresses before disappearing into the changing rooms. After trying on a few I saw one that looked really good on Caroline, the emerald green dress fit her so well and her figure that I knew she had to wear it for Miss Mystic Falls and Bonnie instantly agreed with me.

"Now that we have the dress, can I do your hair?" I asked excitedly. It's been too long since I had done someone's hair, as Rose didn't really like it, but I knew I could do something amazing for her.

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