Chapter 15: Kill or Be Killed

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I do not own Vampire Diaries or Percy Jackson

Season 2 Episode 5: Kill or Be Killed

With Tyler mostly getting information from his uncle and staying at this own house. Percy was rather bored in his own home.

There was only so much books a dyslexic child could handle before he wanted to throw them across the room.

So he was out of the house more often than not whenever he either got bored painting or had no idea what to paint.

It was one of those days that he found out about the clean up at the new park and decided to volunteer because he had nothing better to do with his time.

So here he was, dressed in khakis and a green shirt with a baseball cap over his head to block out some of the sun.

He was helping rake some of the leaves when he saw Caroline enter the parking lot with her mother.

Instantly seeing a way out of doing the boring task. I handed my rake to another volunteer and then sprinted toward Caroline.

"Caroline!" I shouted as I neared her. Instantly the girl turned and was just able to catch me as I threw myself at her for a hug.

"Oomph. You're getting heavy," Caroline joked even though she was able to hold me up with only one arm.

"Am not!" I childishly argued with a small pout.

"Are too," Caroline teased.

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Am not!"

Before Caroline could continue the argument, a small, stifled laugh drew our attention to the older woman that had the same blond hair color as Caroline.

I blinked as I recognized her as Sheriff Forbes, who looked different because she was; for once, out of uniform.

"Right, Percy this is my mom." Caroline looked awkward.

"Hello, Ms.Forbes. It's nice to meet you." I tried to childishly say as I gave her a small wave.

"Hello, Percy, and I think Liz will be alright." Ms.Forbes, or rather Liz, had that melted look that moms seem to get whenever they see small children.

Instead of commented about that though, I gave her a grin and then tugged lightly on Caroline's jacket. "Where are we going to volunteer?"

Caroline tilted her head slightly and looked off to the side. If I hadn't known any better I wouldn't have suspected that she was using her vampire hearing at the moment, as she looked as if she was just thinking about the answer.

But because I knew she was a vampire, I looked off to where she was looking and spotted Elena going toward the painting area.

"Why don't you help Elena and I paint?" Caroline asked lightly.

I gave her a grin and nodded before wiggling to be put down. Caroline did so gently before leading me over to the paint cans and brushes.

"Try not to spill the paint or get it on you or others okay?" Caroline asked softly as she lead me away from her mom who was going toward the drink area.

"I'll do my best," I said enthusiastically. If it was one thing I was really good at, it was painting. Sometimes I can't help but think if it's because of a certain uncle of mine who's the god of Art.

Caroline greeted Elena and grabbed a paint can and brush that she handed to me before grabbing her own set.

"Hi, Elena," I greeted the girl with a small smile that she returned hesitantly.

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