Chapter 21: Daddy Issues

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I do not own Vampire Diaries or Percy Jackson

Season 2 Episode 12: Decent

I found out too late what happened to Rose. That a wolf went back after my pack left to try and bite Damon again only for Rose to be bite instead.

It sadden me, especially because of the fact that my blood could've cured the now deceased Rose. With a stabbing in my heart, I changed into his wolf form and let my heart lead me through the night.

I didn't know where I was going, but I could hear a vampire chasing someone. Speeding toward the small fight, I saw Damon with tears in his eyes and sadness in his scent about to bite a female's neck.

Pushing him off of her (and easily making her forget the entire thing just by connecting our eyes and using my magic), knowing that all he really wanted was the thrill of the hunt but not actual blood, I let him chase me for a while.

The hunt helping both of our hurt hearts, kept us from feeling the pain for a while. It wasn't until Damon stopped and punched a tree that I approached him.

"What are you even doing here? It's not a full moon," he said harshly to me but I could feel the hurt radiating off of him.

He sat down as he closed his eyes, like he was waiting for something. His scent seemed to have spiked and I moved closer to him and poked his hand with my nose.

I felt him shudder from my touch and saw him clench his hand but did nothing else. Finally understanding that he was waiting for me to kill him, I pushed him onto the ground and laid my head on his chest to hear his shaky breaths.

He kept his eyes closed, but seemed to hesitantly raise his hand and set it on my head, before slowly starting to stroke it.

Without physically telling him to keep going, I moved my head closer into his hand and let my guard down more.

He let out another shaky breath before telling me, "You tell anyone and I'll kill you. Don't think this changed anything between us Silver Eyes," he told me sternly.

He seemed to be gathering a hold of himself more, as his voice didn't appear to shake and I could smell less of the sadness that radiated off of him earlier.

It was still there, but more controlled now. Like it would definitely get better in time. Knowing that, I rubbed my head underneath his hand again before standing up slowly.

Shaking my body to dislodge some of the leaves that tried to stick to my fur from the ground, I looked to Damon who had an eyebrow raised.

"You going to tell me who you are?" he asked, his voice serious and he looked at me hesitantly.

I tilted my head to the side and thought of the good and the bad of telling him. But then I thought over my pack and I knew he disliked Elijah, which meant that he wouldn't like me if he found out.

So I gave him a sad shake of my head, trying to portray that, not tonight I won't. He seemed to have understood because he didn't push the subject like he normally would.

"The only reason I'll let it go is because you did try to save us from Jules," he told me before standing up and speeding away toward his house.

Shaking my head, feeling amused at his dramatic exit, I zoomed toward Elijah's scent, wanting the comfort of my brother.

I saw him in the Martin's house, a family of warlocks that seemed to be employed by my brother. Debating with myself if I should interrupt or not, but then my heart constricted slightly I didn't care anymore.

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