Chapter Three

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By the time I got back to my place, it was about 5:00. Brooke was only left alone for 45 minutes, so it wasn't that bad for me. I honestly have no idea what she'll think when I say that I went to her house without her, but I'm hoping it will be positivity. I'm usually not a sneaky person with her, but I felt like I had to do that, even though she probably wouldn't want me to. I jammed my key into the slit in the door knob, turning it and shoving the door open with a huff. Would it kill them to get some new doors here?

"Brooke?" I called out, shutting the door behind me. I looked around the quiet room, to see that she wasn't sitting where I had left her. It's a force of habbit to worry with stuff like this regaurding her, and that's exactly what happened. I walked in a little further, and the sudden burst of panic washed away, and I chuckled to myself as I looked at her. She was passed out on the couch, her arm draped over the side of the couch and her legs slightly bent up towards her. I set my keys down onto the counter, and slowly walked over. I sat down on the floor next to her, laying my hands down on the couch and resting my chin ontop of them, so my face was level with hers. I was quiet for a few seconds, considering that I had no problem with just watching her; she's fucking beautiful. But that's creepy as fuck so I spoke up softly.

"Lovey," I said. Her eyebrows furrowed, and her small body shifted a little bit. I laughed a little again, and put one of my hands on her shoulder. "Brooke."

"Is it tomorrow?" She asked, lifting her head up so her hair fell over her face.

"No you dork," I laughed. "I was gone for not even an hour."

"Oh. Well shit," her voice cracked, and I think she was still half asleep. She looked out the window, then back over to me and smiled sloppily. "Hi baby."

"Hi Brooke." I said back, running my hair down her soft hair and onto her back. "So I see this excessive amount of homework caused you to pass out."

"It was way too much for me," she played along. "I can't handle this much pressure." She sat up, and rubbed her eyes before sitting back and looking around the room. "I'm glad you're back though. I was getting cold all by myself."

"Yeah..." my voice trailed off, and I sat back a little. Brooke looked at me, a small look of confusion on her face.

"You alright?" She laughed, looking down at me and entangling her fingers with mine.

"Yes," I said lightly. "Pft, of course I am."

"Ashton," she said slowly, followed by a laugh. "What did you do this time?"

"Nothing!" I exclaimed. We both went silent, and Brooke narrowed her eyes at me. She looked at me like she wanted me to speak up, so I sighed and leaned in closer, resting my forearms over her knees.

"Um..." My voice trailed off, and I tried to seem as casual as I could. "I may or may not have gone to your house without you and had a somewhat emotional conversation with your mum." The words came out fast and rambly, and Brooke just stared at me with her eyebrows furrowed together in what looked like confusion.

"Did you really?" She spoke up. I couldn't tell what she was thinking by the look in her eyes.

"Yes?" I said lightly, squinting my eyes a little bit.

"Ashton!" she said frustratedly.

"I had to!" I said back.

"You could have asked me first!" Okay, now she sounded just a little angry.

"Oh come on," I said as softly as I could. "We both know if I hadn't done it, nothing would've happen." I tilted my head to the side, raising my eyebrows at her. She went silent again, and crossed her arms over her chest as her eyes wandered around the room.

Shattered (Continuation of: The Chase) ▹ Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now