Mango Smoothies!

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Somi's POV

Me and Younji went to go get some smoothies but we didn't expect to see two familiar faces. Younji just growled at them as the nice lady behind the counter handed us our mango smoothies.

"Just don't Younji. We'll have to see them sooner or later." I spoke as we took a seat in the far back away from the few other people. I watched as Younji angrily grabbed and ripped open her straw before slamming it in her cup. I laughed a little as I watched her actions.

"Hey. Um...we can we talk." Jimin spoke softly. Yoongi was by his side with slightly dark circles under his eyes. For once I believe Yoongi hasn't really slept. And that kind of scares me.

"No way!" Younji yelled making the few people in the café stare at us. I hit Younji in her arm telling her to shut up. I grabbed my smoothie sitting beside Younji on the other side of our table. Yoongi and Jimin moved over into the chairs beside us. In their hands they had coffees but Yoongi's was already half way gone.

"So how's Taehyung. I wanted to come and see him, but I didn't think it would be right." Jimin asked looking at me. Younji tried to snap back at him but I pinched her arm telling her to shut up.

I know what Jimin and Yoongi did. I do very much dislike it, but I can't hate them. I feel bad for them actually. They both seem so harmless and sad. Especially Yoongi, he's not full of hate or anger like I thought, but sorrow and loneliness. He believes his only last friend Jimin is leaving him, just like Taehyung, Jungkook, and Tina. And just looking at his eyes I can tell he's been crying his eyes out.

"Taehyung is out of the hospital and fine now. So fine the damn fool is having another party tonight. I swear these guys have to many of them and it's going to affect their health." I laughed at little. I even made Jimin smile a little as he took a sip of his coffee. I then looked over at Yoongi who just seemed like he was lost in another world. "Hey Yoongi." I called out making poor Yoongi jump up in his seat like a firework just went off.

"How have you been?" I asked smiling a little.

"Please don't ask that question." Yoongi mumbled in almost a whisper.

"Yoongi well he's been beating himself up. I have and idea to maybe get Yoongi back on his feet but I'm waiting for summer vacation." Jimin spoke looking at Yoongi who was back in his lost world.

"What's that?" I asked.

"I'm taking him to Malaysia." Jimin pulled out his phone showing me a picture of the beautiful country.

"Wow it seems like everyone wants to go somewhere. Even Taehyung himself is talking about taking a trip. Wait! That's it! Let's all go to Malaysia!" I yelled standing up.

"These kids are so weird." The lady beside me commented to her friend as she left her table.

"Somi, is that a good idea?" Jimin asked.

"It's not!" Younji snapped standing up.

"It is. Jimin I'll call you later! Younji let's go!" I grabbed my smoothie and Younji's hand as I pulled her out the café. I know I sound crazy but I just have this wild idea that I might be able to make the guys become friends again. I can maybe make everything peace between us all. Maybe Yoongi and the guys can become friends again. Maybe Younji can forgive Yoongi and maybe I can find myself forgiving Jimin.

I don't like this awkward hate between us all. Me with Jimin. Younji with Yoongi. Yoongi towards Taehyung and Jungkook. And Jungkook between Jimin and Yoongi. Maybe I can get everyone back together. I'm not saying it's going to work, but I can sure as damn well try it!


"You're crazy to think Taehyung will agree to this, because I sure as hell don't-"

"I do though. I think it's an amazing idea." Taehyung cut Jungkook off as we all dug into our Chinese dinner. Taehyung wanted us to eat dinner together before the house became full of people.

"You do realize this is insane right! We on a trip with Yoongi and Jimin?" Jungkook snapped slamming his chopsticks down.

"It's a good chance for us to move on. Jungkook they use to be your best friends-"

"USE TO! NOT ANYMORE! I'm done with this conversation." Jungkook shouted running up the stairs. Taehyung reached over with his free hand grabbing Jungkook's leftover dinner. I just stared at Taehyung letting out a small laugh.

"What if he leaves the food behind then it's mine. Unless you want some, I'm willing to share with you Somi!" Taehyung reached over grabbing my Chinese banquet before I could even respond. He started pouring half of Jungkook's into mine. I found myself smiling as I watched Taehyung pour the rest of Jungkook's food into mine. I wonder what made Taehyung have such a big heart and that is open to anything, yet Jungkook finds a way to push almost everyone out. He didn't like me at first, he still doesn't like Jimin or Yoongi which I do understand but I feel like Jungkook has a deeper scar within him beside Jimin and Yoongi.

"What happen to your fathers?" I asked Taehyung as he sat my banquet back down in front of me. Taehyung sat down his chopsticks just staring at his food. Something, I definitely hit something.

"Both me and Jungkook have two different dads. Our mom divorced my dad back in 96 and got remarried to Jungkook's dad in early 97. Not that long after Jungkook was born they got a divorced. Jungkook never got to meet his dad and later on in 05 he passed away from a car crash. Both me and Jungkook grew up not really knowing anything about our dads but unlike me, Jungkook's isn't alive anymore. He never ever talks about his dad or the fact he misses him. That's another reason why Jungkook didn't like you at first. He saw how happy you were with your dad and it made him upset since our mom hasn't got married again in years. Jungkook likes your dad but he doesn't like the affection he gives to you. He was...I guess you could say jealous." Taehyung started picking at his food as he kept his eyes down.

"Oh, I didn't know." I spoke now looking down at my food. I was about to say something else when Taehyung's phone started ringing and he left me behind walking outside. I just started picking at my food now as my thoughts were all on Jungkook. I need to sit down with Jungkook and talk to him but I'll probably wait after the party. I don't want to make him more upset. Let him at least have his fun at this party.


Sorry for cutting off weirdly, but there will be another chapter soon. Hopefully this one is okay. Next chapter will bring in some new characters including my new favorite idol who is like the one person I really want as a friend.

       Thanks for reading!


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