Killer Smile

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??? POV

I knocked twice on the front door as my men started running around the back way waiting for my call to break the house down. My second hand man stayed nearby as he held onto my cellphone just in case I needed to call someone.

"Thank goodness it's you-" I was cut off as a very pretty girl swung the door open. I found myself smiling brightly wondering if I just met her.

"You aren't Somi?" She stated looking confused.

"Who's at the door?" Someone called out from inside. A young man with red hair showed up only to make me laugh a little. How many people live in this house?

"Is he one of your friends Roy?" The girl asked sounding very annoyed.

"No. I don't know this person." The guy I'm assuming is Roy spoke.

"I'm just looking for some old friends Taehyung and Jungkook." I said staring behind them. I noticed a really tall girl leaning over a table. Her dress was about a hair from slipping up showing the whole house her ass. Man I'm already liking these people.

"They're at this park nearby. Look it isn't the time to catch up with old friends. I've known Jungkook for awhile now and I know one thing about him. When it comes to Somi he doesn't play around. He's there trying to make sure she's calm. Today was her birthday and she got this letter-" The girl swung her hand at the guy making him shut up real fast.

"Don't say everything. Look Mr. Killer Smile." I couldn't help but smile a little as she said those words. Wow. Maybe I should stay a little longer. These two are a trip. "Please just come back another day to catch up with Taehyung and Jungkook. It's not the right time." The girl spoke trying to close the door.

"Um may I get your names just in case I run into them. I can tell them who I talked to." I asked flashing my smile again. The girl leaned her head down pushing a piece of her hair behind her ear. She looked as red as her nail polish letting me know I got the right person to answer the door.

"I'm Younji and that's Roy. Like I said maybe come back next weekend or something. I'm sorry." Younji smiled closing the door.

"Sir do you still want us to go inside?" One of my workers asked.

"No, let's go to the park. I know where my good old friends are now." I smirked heading towards the car.

The game is just about to start.


So like I said it'll be some time this week I'll write another chapter. I would say this weekend but I have a 3mile race I'm doing. I'll be up at four o'clock because it's over a hour and a half away. And it starts at seven thirty.

By the way, can anyone guess who this person is. I'll give you a hint. He's born in 98. This is just for fun, I want to see if anyone can guess it.

                      Thanks for reading!


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