Chapter one

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Weird. Stupid. Crazy. Off. All these words have been used to describe me. Who You ask? Well, I'm about to tell you. My name is Cassie Miller. I'm sixteen and I have  ADHD. I have incredibly pale skin, waist-length fire engine red hair, emerald green eyes, and a line of freckles across my nose. Thirteen freckles to be exact. Just like my birth mom.

Many people wonder about me. I only have one friend, I'm dark, and my dad is crazy. Why does my dad matter? Well, I'm about to tell you that too. Just hold your horses. My mother died when I was six, she had bleach blonde hair and blue eyes. She was always so nice to everyone! And that my friends, was the problem. My dad is the devil.

I was kidnapped by him when I was six. I am human. I was born in a small town called Silverton. My mom was so sweet and my Dad always helped me with school. My older brothers names are Luke (was 29) Jack (was 19) and my younger siblings are Cynthia (four)
Charlie (2) and Lacey (5 months).

Once my dad kidnapped me he always told me I was "Adopted." But it doesn't matter, my parents never bothered to find me. I was just another kid in a house of eight. My parents pretty much never knew I existed. The Devil has been a better parent.

My dad is not like "a devil" but, "The Devil." you know, the guy you're always told to stay away from and to ignore? Yup. That's my dad. A lot of people think their parents are crazy, mine is a knife-wielding maniac. I also had an older sister, her name was Jessalyn.

Jessalyn looked exactly like my mom. She had thick, beautiful, long, blond hair that fell to her waist. Her bottle green eyes were always sparkling and full of life. She had tan, flawless skin, and was the kind of girl boys were always drooling over. She was extremely popular despite her wacky parents and everyone adored her. She included everyone and made them feel good about themselves.

My mom and Jessalyn always brought so much life to our house.Jessalyn was seven years older than me and when my parents had her they were so happy! But, then I was born and Life was about to die. He was in the middle of a throne switch before I was born and he died before I entered the world. Because for that short amount of time there was no life, I was born sad and depressed. You see, even if you're a human Life effects you.

Jessalyn was always trying to cheer me up but she couldn't. You see, there are ranks in the world. The top two are Death and Life. Death is a dark woman with pale skin, Jet black hair, and purple eyes. She has the personality of a tetanus shot. Then there is Life, he is my age. He was born right after me and was the cause of my depression. Because he was being transferred to the throne. Life has brown hair, brown eyes, and a beautiful smile. He has the personality of a Disney world employee. Then the other rank is The Devil, my dad. My dad appears pretty normal. He has high cheekbones, black hair, and black eyes that have a stare of death. Literally. Then there are the Soops. I am a Soop. You pronounce it like,"soup." The Soops are kids born from or are Ranks. They have superpowers. Even though I am human, you have to gain powers when you are under age ten to be a Soop. So, once I was "adopted" Jessalyn's superpower was emotion. She could change someone's emotion just with focus. I lucked out though, my superpower is invisibility.

It sounds simple right? Focus and you will be invisible. Wrong! Like I said before, I have ADD and ADHD so I don't focus well. I may as well be, ew, a human. Gross! Humans are so messed up! I will never EVER be human again. You can try to blame my dad for all the corruption in your world, but really, you did this all on your own! Like, your politics, religions, and sports! All just a waste of time! And all you ever do is find that your world is just nasty and evil and corrupted.

Our world is pretty great, actually. Our world is under yours. It's called Retaw. Why Retaw? Because Retaw is water spelled backwards and there is a huge river that runs underneath our city that provides us all with electricity, heating, and plumbing! We have cafes, Schools, and plenty of people. Out of all those people at my school I only have one best friend her name is Charolette. Charolette is so gorgeous! She has amber hair and violet eyes. But, she has a boyfriend, his name is Finch. I love Char to death! She's so fun by herself, but with Finch, it's kind of like third wheeling a couple, you know? I mean, Finch is great and all, but it's still weird.

Charolette definitely doesn't have it easy though, her mom is always drinking and her dad is constantly working, so she pretty much always hangs out with Finch and me because the only time her mom isn't drinking is when she's asleep. And even then, she has a massive hangover and makes Char be her slave.

So over all, I'm pretty normal. Except, you know, my Dad is the Devil.

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