Chapter Five: Removal and Ella

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I have learned not to become too attached to anything, especially people and animals. I was really close to my mom when she died and I was heartbroken and spent weeks just wandering around the house feeling sorry for myself. But then I decided, "Cassie you are being ridiculous! Get up and enjoy what life has to offer!" So I did.
This time it's not a human or an animal I'm having removed, it's my cast. Why is this such a big deal, you ask? Well, tonight, me, Charolette, and Finch sneak out to the Human World. We leave tonight because I won't have a cast and it will be easier. Also, my Dad will be at the palace for a week, working on a plan with Death. So it actually worked out perfectly! Minus the fact that I am going to the human world, might die, or suffer extreme consequences if I get caught. But you know, minor details.
I watched the saw as it cut through my cast. I had collected plenty of signatures over the two weeks that I had it. I listened to the loud whirring of the saw and within seconds my cast was in two halves on the floor.
"Do you want to keep it?" The doctor asked me.
Gross. Why would you keep a hot sweaty cast? That makes no sense, whatsoever.
"Ummm. No thank you." I told him, attempting to act polite and hide my disgust.
"Are you sure?" He asked me again, picking the cast halves up off the floor.
"Yeah," I said staring grotesquely at the cast, "I'm pretty positive."
"Alrighty then. A nurse will come sign you out then you'll be free to leave the ward!"
Ward. That word sounded familiar. Then, I remembered.
My mom. The room she was in before she died, they called it a "Ward."
My heart ached for her, my head flooded with memories of me and her together.
She used to give me graham crackers with chocolate chips every day. I miss her so much. I don't remember much about her. But I do remember her death. I've never forgotten and every day I wake up with the feeling that it's all my fault that I don't have her anymore.

I still recalled every second of that day.

"But mommy!" My younger self had screamed at her, "I want crackers!"

"Sweetie," She had explained in her calming tone that I wish I could her one more time, "We are all out and all the roads are blocked!"

"Well then," I told her, crossing my arms and pouting. "You must not really love me." Even though she wasn't dead, I watched all the life drain from her eyes, her skin become pale, and her face looked drained of its energy. All because of those six words.

"Darling, Cassie. I know you don't mean that."

"Yes, mommy, I do mean it." I had told her, "And don't call me that."

I watched as she ran down the hall to her room, her face streaked with tears as she tried to stay strong.

"And you can stop talking to me!" I had called after her. "You know what, why don't you forget I was ever your daughter!"

Her door slammed loudly and I ran down to my room, sobbing with pain over the words I had just said. I never really meant any of it. I cared about her so much! She was my supporter, my best friend, and my mother all in one!

That night my mom, Embry Corianna Miller, suffered a massive heart attack and only lived for a short two days after. She spent her last two days in a coma and I never got to say goodbye to my mother. But something I had taken for granted was snatched away from me in a split second.

The funeral was held on a rainy Wednesday and the entire town came. They now have a holiday in remembrance of her on November 19th, It's a big deal! Classes get canceled for the day and everyone visits her grave.

Life has never been the same without her. After she died Jessalynn left and ran away. She went to the human world and we never saw her again.
After Jessalynn left my dad immediately feared that I would leave too. He became really strict, but, buys me whatever I want, within reason.
I wonder how he would feel if he knew I was leaving, tonight.
A sharp knock jolted me back to reality, "Come on in!" I called out.
A pretty nurse walked into the room. She had short brown hair, soft brown eyes, and freckles.
"Hi,"She said, glancing down at her clipboard, "Cassie. If you could just sign here and you are free to go!" She held out a pen and the clipboard.
I took the pen from her and signed the paper.
"Thank you! Your free to go! Just take a left, go down the stairs, and exit through the door! Not the wall!" She said with a laugh.
"Alright. Thank you ma'm." I told her.
"Please." She said, poking her head through the door, "Call me Ella." And then she was gone.
"Hey Finch." I was gathered in Charolette's car with her, Finch, and Life.
We were on our way to the human/Retaw border. I had my new gun in my suitcase along with my purse, phone, and some lip gloss. Also some extra ammo. Just in case.
"Alright, so when we get there we are checking in to a-a-a..." Charolette stuttered. "What's it called Cass?"
"A hotel."
"Right!" She said, "A hotel! Then we will sleep and tomorrow we'll explore!"
Her plan was followed by a chorus of okays and approval.
We quickly arrived at the border and the guard asked for our I.Ds.
"Are you kids supposed to be passing?" He asked Charolette and Finch.
"Yes. We are going to look at wedding venues." Charolette said gazing longingly at Finch.
"Yep." Finch said, kissing her to prove it.
"Ummm... ok." The guard said, "You are free to go."
"Thank you sir." Finch told him, grabbing Charolette's hand.
"You kids have fun now!" He called after us as we drove through the tunnel connecting the two worlds.
"Wow." Charolette said, "It's beautiful up here."
I did it. I'm in the human world.

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