Chapter Twenty Four: Wes

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"Woah! That guy is totally hot!" Charolette grabbed my arm signaling she was drooling over some other wannabe boyfriend.
We decided to go out into town and ended up wandering around a mall.
Here's the thing about Charolette, she's gorgeous. Not like she's cute and all, but she's drop-dead gorgeous. Plus, she wouldn't be caught dead in a sweatshirt. Which, is a regular appearance for me. I can't help it! They're so warm and fuzzy! But, boys are always drooling over her. Although, you always know when she's not interested, a flick of her hair and she's out of your life.
But she wasn't kidding this time, this guy was very boy pretty. And he was strong too. But, I didn't care, I love Jason, it doesn't matter if you are Super Man yourself. Because in my eyes, he already is Super Man. And he's MY Super Man.
Anyway, this guy had icy blue eyes, tight blonde curls, and his cheekbones were to die for!
"Omg!" Charolette squealed under her breath, "He's walking over here! Stay calm Cassie!"
I laughed at her in my head, she always freaks out when there's a hot guy.
"Hello, Ladies." His voice heavy with a British accent. I could practically see Charolette's heart melting.
"Hi." I answered for her, nudging her shoulder trying to get her out of her trance.
"Hey, I'm... uh,"
"Charolette." I answered for her.
"Scarlette." She finished, I could practically see her picking out her wedding dress in her head.
"Charolette!" I corrected.
"Oh really?" She asked, "Are you sure?"
"Sorry," I had forgotten Hot British Dude was still standing there, "She really likes you."
"Oh that's alright," He laughed, "I like her too. Here's my number. My names Wes by the way."
He handed a piece of paper to Charolette and walked away.
"Bye Mr Hottie!" She called after him, cringing when she realized she had said that out loud.
"Dude you totally got that guys number!" I squealed, jumping up and down with her.
We spent the next FOUR HOURS shopping. It was torture! So. Many. Jeans. Charolette claimed "Cassie, your wardrobe is where clothes go to die." I was gonna argue, but then I realized she was probably right. How long had it been since I had gotten a dress? The fact that I couldn't remember told me everything I needed to know, I really did need this shopping trip.
When we got back Jason was no where to be found, I walked into my room and discovered a bouquet of roses sitting on my bed with a card. I opened the card and on the inside it said,
"Hey, Cassie!
Guess what? We are going on a date! Woohoo! This is your first clue,
Madly in love with you and cheese and crackers.
I looked over at Charolette and her face gave away everything, "Did you know about this?" I asked her. She nodded.
"That's why I kept you out."
Alright, madly in love, hmmm. Where would that be? That's when I remembered what I said to him today in, "The kitchen!" I yelled, setting my bags on the bed I ran toward the kitchen.
There, on the counter, was a card, all white with a simple heart on the front. I opened it and it read,
"Dear Cassie,
I have a gift card taped to the side of this for you to get your hair done. Ooohh! Fancy!
Your next clue is Journaling.
Love you!
My room, suitcase! I sprinted back up the stairs, carrying my gift card. I reached the top and bolted toward my room, flinging the door open I ran to my suitcase. I unzipped it and inside there was a gorgeous dress. It was teal, lace adorned the top, and the skirt was an adorable high-low style. I gasped at the sight of it!
"This is gorgeous!" I said to Charolette, she nodded her head in agreement. I picked up the card that was previously sitting on the dress,
"Hey Cassie!
Here is your dress! I hope you love it as much as I love you! Your next clue is, get ready.
Get ready, get ready. "The bathroom!" Once again I sprinted in the direction of the upstairs bathroom and found a gorgeous pair is silver sparkly heels. With a card inside,
"Darling Cassie,
Time for our date, go get your hair and stuff done and meet me at the park around 10:30. I love you more than pizza!
"Awwww!" Charolette said, reading over my shoulder, "He loves pizza!"
"Yeah, he's really great isn't he?"
"Yep! Now let's get you ready for your mystery date!"

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