Chapter Twenty Five: Mystery Date

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After getting my hair and makeup done, and my dress put on I was ready for my date.
"Are you excited?" Charolette asked.
"Yeah," I answered, nervously.
"Are you sure?" Darn. She knew something was up.
"Yeah." I answered quietly, avoiding her burning gaze.
"You know you can tell me anything." She placed her hand gently on my shoulder.
"Yeah, I'm just scared! What if, I stop loving him or I'm afraid to let him get to close. I'm sixteen I've gone through bad breakups and I stopped trusting people!" I let my emotions pour out like a waterfall, a hot tear escaped my cheek.
"Oh, Cassie." She reached over and gave me a big hug, "Jason isn't like that, you can trust him. He saved us."
"Yeah." I answered softly.
She pulled away, "Now. It's 10:15 let's get going! But first, we gotta fix your makeup!" She touched up my makeup and we got into my rusty old pickup truck and turned on some music. When we pulled up to the park Jason was sitting on a bench in a suit.
I opened the door and hopped out, Charolette got in the drivers side, waved, and pulled away.
"Hey." He said, walking toward me.
"Hey." I answered quietly. "So,"
He grabbed my hand and we walked around the park to the other side. There was a limo. A LIMO! Waiting for us.
"M'lady." Jason said, holding the door open for me. I stepped inside and gasped. There were lights on the ceiling, black leather seats, a bar for the adults, and a candy counter.
I took a seat in one of the huge leather chairs, it was so comfortable!
Jason took a seat next to me and gently took my hand.
"So," I asked, "Where are we going?"
"To a restaurant." He said, beaming like he was super proud of himself.
We just sat quietly in the back. I tried to appear calm on the outside but inside, I was freaking out!
Omg! Is he still holding my hand? He is! Look at him Cassie! Do something!
I glanced up at him but he was looking at me. I blushed and looked back at my hand in my lap. My ring sparkling in the dim light.
Cassie, you are blowing your first real date. You're dumb! He was looking at you! What do I do!
There were panic alarms going off in my head.
Then, Jason grabbed my other hand, "Cassie, look at me."
I looked at him, blushing like crazy.
"I love you."
He leaned in close and kissed me. Like really kissed me. My heart skipped a beat and my mind was going crazy.
He's kissing you! AHHHHHH!!!! WHAT. DO. I. Do? KISS HIM BACK!!!!
When he pulled away I turned my head and looked out the window, a huge smile plastered to my face.
It was breathtaking, my heart skipped a beat, and I will never forget how his lips felt on mine.
"We are here." The driver said stiffly, he hadn't said a word the whole way over here. We pulled up in front of a flashy restaurant. It was all yellow except were it said, "Biaggi's" in brown letters.
The chauffeur walked around and opened the door for us and Jason stepped out. He offered me his hand and I took it gratefully, stepping out all eyes were on us.
"Woah, look at her dress." A little girl tugged on her mothers arm and pointed to me.
"I love her shoes!" A teenage girl said wistfully.
"Where did he get that limo?" A teenage boy asked.
I felt like a princess. Jason held my hand and we walked up to the restaurant, people moved out of our way as if we were on fire.
When we walked inside the room fell silent and everyone stared at us.
"What are they looking at?" I whispered to Jason, nudging his shoulder.
"They're looking at you."
We sat down at a table in the middle of the restaurant and placed our order.
"I got you something." Jason said placing a small beautifully wrapped box on the table.
"But you got me to this dress and these shoes and-"
He cut me off, "Open it." He beamed proudly.
When I opened it, inside there was a small piece of paper with a picture of a Pomskie puppy on it. (Pomeranian Siberian Husky mix)
"I don't understand." I said, setting the piece of paper down.
"I got you a puppy."

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