Chapter Eighteen: The Chamber

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When I awoke I had a pounding headache and I was in a small room with white walls. Honestly! Why the white walls? They were clean too. I shivered in disgust. Trying to get up I realized I couldn't move. I wasn't chained down or anything, but my legs just wouldn't move!
"Why can't I move?" I cried out. I placed my hands on the ground and tried to boost myself up but instead my elbows buckled and I collapsed back on to the ground.
The sound of a loud woosh startled me and I glanced in the direction it came from. The wall in the west direction slowly opened. "What the?"
"Hello, Cassie." My Father walked in to the room. "I see my lazer ray is working." He hissed.
"What's a lazer ray?" I asked him, grasping the back of my head in pain.
"It's a ray that I lazered you with, thus causing temporary paralyzation and some side effects include headaches."
"Well that- owwwwww!" I screamed out in pain at the headache that was pounding in my skull.
"Some headaches morph into migraines as well." He hissed, laughing at my misfortune.
I focused on moving my father but my telekinesis refused to work.
"Awwwwwww. Poor child." He threw his head back and cackled loudly, "Do your powers not work?" He walked out of the room laughing. "Bring her to The Chamber." He said to the person behind him.
A woman with shoulder length brown and blonde ombré hair, high cheekbones, and bright red lipstick stepped out from behind him. She was decked out in ripped black skinny jeans, a bright red tank top, and a black leather jacket.
"Hello Cassie." She said, her voice with an obvious British twang. "My name is Embry. I will be escorting you to The Chamber. Now rise and come over here."
"But I-"
"I said Rise!" She screamed.
I attempted to stand and when Embry noticed my weak attempt she walked over to me. Her bright red heels clicking on the white tile floor.
"Do you need help?" She asked me sweetly.
"Actually, yeah!" I told her.
"Well that's too bad isn't it!" She yelled. Walking over to me she clasped handcuffs around my wrists, tightening them as tight as they could go. Which didn't bother me at all, because my wrists are tiny!
Embry grabbed me by the arms and hoisted me up off the ground. Picking me up, she slung me over her back.
When we stepped outside there was a long dark corridor with guards positioned with only about a foot of space between them.
"Officer Embry." The first guard said, saluting her.
A chorus of, "Officer Embry" and saluting filled the corridor.
"Gentlemen." She replied coolly, her accent filling the hall. We walked about two hundred feet until we reached a room at the end.
There were two doors separated by a foot of space. The door on the right had a sign that read, "Charolette Aphrodite Thomas."
"Charolette!" I squealed with delight.
"Shut it!" Embry screamed.
She opened the door on the left which read, "Cassie Harper RaeLynn Miller."
"That is not my middle name!" I told Embry.
"Oh but it is." A voice hissed from the shadows. My Dad stepped out, "I just never told you."
I was shocked at this new information!
"Lock her up." My Dad told officer Embry.
"Yes sir!" She answered. Opening the door, Embry threw me into the room. It was about five by ten feet with white walls, except, for one glass wall.
"Charolette!" I said. On the opposite side sat my best friend, cowering in the corner. She was already dirty! As a matter of fact, her entire room was filled with filth! She HATES filth!
It was at that moment when I realized. We had been played. I hate clean white walls and Charolette hates dirt. My Dad had scared us by filling our rooms with things we hate, and, cleverly separating our two rooms with glass, so we could each see the other one suffer.
"Here is today's meal." Embry said, tossing an old bread roll at me.
I don't know how long I can live like this.

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