Chapter Three: Changes

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My head was spinning, my vision blurring, thoughts swirled in my mind. The human world. Where people die everyday and fight in the streets.

"Why?" I yelled at Char, "Why up There?" 

"I'm curious." She answered.

She acted as though the question was so innocent, so safe, as if I was simply choosing an ice cream flavor. But its not that simple. The human world is scary and evil and different.

"But Char," I started, "Its not that simple! Some Soop Government spend years and years training just to go up there for a week!"

"I know," she continued, rolling her eyes as if I was the dumbest person to ever roam the earth, "But Finch could go with us, and you have your new gun."

"No!" I told her sternly, "That's crazy! I think your just delusional."

"I am not!" She hollered at me, "and even if-"

"Wow!" I exclaimed, trying to distract her, "Would you look at the time? Its getting late, maybe you should get to bed."

"Your just trying to distract me!" She stomped her foot and pouted at me, "But whatever," she said, acting serious again, "See you later!" She waved at me as I grabbed my canvas bag and slung it over my shoulder.

"Bye, Char. Get some sleep." I whispered, while pulling her bedroom door shut behind me.

Taking out my keys, I unlocked my pickup truck and hopped in. Turning on the ignition I pulled out of their driveway, "The human world." I said to my self, laughing at the idea. "She is kind of delusional." 

But what if she's not? A small part of me wondered, "What if she's right? What if we could stay up there and not be exposed?" Everything is so confusing right now! I have to decide to follow in my Dad's wicked footsteps, whether or not I want to go to the place that will alter the course of my life forever, and what to wear to prom!

Being a teenager is hard. And I'm not so sure if I like it.


 "Hmmm," I murmured to myself, "Where is the milk?" My Dad had asked me to pick up a few groceries on my way home. 

"Oof!" A voice cried out as something bumped into me.

The second I glanced up, I regretted it. I was face to face with a beautiful boy. His eyes were a deep brown, full of life, his hair was swept away from his face, and he had the most gorgeous smile. Suddenly, realization hit me, 

"Life?!" I exclaimed loudly. He covered my mouth with his hand and shushed me.

"Hey Cassie!" He said, slowly removing his hand from my face as he looked cautiously around the store.

"What are YOU doing here?" I asked him, trying to act annoyed. But I was happy about our little run-in. I had always kind of liked Life. I mean, how could you not?

"I've always liked you too, Cassie." 

"What?!" How did he know??? Oh no! I forgot! He can read minds! How could I be so dumb?

"Its okay Cass," he said, attempting to calm me down, "I've been wanting to ask, " He began to fidget and a nervous expression blanketed his gorgeous face,"will you go to prom with me?"

My head. The ground. My eyes. Him. And that's all I remember, before I passed out.

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