Chapter Seventeen: A threat

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"Who is that?" Jason asked, cracking his knuckles.
"Jace, I need you to not get mad. Layla has been texting me and threatening me."
"What!" He screamed throwing his hands in the air.
I patted him on the back, "Babe, I'm fine, you're fine, it's fine!"
"It's not fine!" He screamed.
"How did she get your number anyway?" Charolette asked looking extremely confused.
"Oh no." Jason looked like he was going to be sick.
"What's wrong?" Charolette asked him.
"Just as I thought." Jason started murmuring to himself.
"What?" I asked him, getting worried and impatient.
"She's a hacker."
"What do you mean?" I asked him, now I was getting a little worried myself.

"When I was dating her, she always knew my information. She skipped a lot of school and she was always canceling our plans. But she somehow always knew what I had done or purchased that day.I thought she was cheating on me so I confronted her about it. When she told me she was working with Death I didn't believe her. Until I sat down at a computer with her and she showed me. She pulled up my credit card number Cassie!"

"Ok, so it's not fine," I started, what do we do? My boyfriend's ex is a hacker who hates me, my boyfriend is stressed, and I have a clueless best friend. Have you ever played Mario Kart and thought we were doing great until you realized you were the bottom screen and actually crashing into walls? That's my life right now.

"We could leave," Charolette muttered softly under her breath.

"That's actually a really great idea." Jason said thinking it over, "We could leave tomorrow after breakfast."

"But where would we go?" I mean sure it is a good idea. But it requires a lot of work and preparation. I was slightly against the idea and quickly began to get bored.

"Cassie, grab your phone and pull up a map," Jason commanded.

"Ok."  I said, glad to have something to do, I focused hard on picking up my phone off the dresser and extending my hand I pulled it over and set it carefully next to me.

"That's not even fair," Jason muttered.

I unlocked my phone and opened up the map app (Lol that rhymes too). "We are currently in Omaha, Nebraska and it would be a six-hour trip to a random state called Iowa."

"Who names a state Iowa?" Charolette wondered aloud.

"I have no idea and it looks like all they have is corn." I zoomed in and out and still, all I could see was corn and a few random neighborhoods here and there. Until I zoomed in more and realized they were actually towns. Awkward.

"Ok," Jason said, "Let's pack and we will leave in the morning." He got up to leave and I jumped up and threw my arms around him.

"Bye, Jace. You want me to walk you out?" I offered, laughing.

"Why of course mad'me." He chuckled, taking a bow.

I walked with him towards the door and opened it, stepping outside I closed it softly behind me.

"Hey." He whispered.

"Hey back," I replied. He grabbed me and gave me a big hug, softly placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Good night," He whispered. "Don't let the bed bugs bite."

"Later Tater." I called after him as he stepped into his room. Later Tater? What the heck was I thinking? I slapped my forehead and he stepped back out of his room.

"Don't worry." He said, "It's cute."


"I don't really want to leave." Charolette said,we were sitting on her bed chatting about the upcoming plan to leave.
"I know I don't really want to either."
"What about our plan to take down Nike?"
"I don't know that's a good point." That's true I hadn't even thought of that. "We can discuss it with Jason tomorrow."
"Alright." Charolette agreed. "But I want something to remember this trip by."
"I saw keychains for sale in the lobby, we could get some of those," I suggested. Her face instantly lit up.
"Yeah!" She exclaimed, "Let's go!"
"Wait, now?!?! It's like, nine-o-clock!"
"So?" She gathered up her purse and pulled on her shoes.

"All righty then." Charolette is quite the go getter, I grabbed my twenty dollar bill and stuck it in my sweatshirt pocket, I'm not a huge fan of purses.

"Seriously Cass, you can't carry a purse with you this one time?!" Charolette complained. She loves fashion, and beauty, and hates tomboys. Which is too bad because I would rather play football than wear heels, and if Charolette tried football I think she would like it!

"Nope!" I responded, I walked over and opened the door. "Come on Char! Let's go!" I called after her.

"Coming!" As she walked toward the door she pulled her waist-length auburn hair out of its bun sending it cascading down her back. "You never know," She said smirking, "We might see some cute guys." She smiled as she walked past me and down the hallway. She was currently sporting ripped white jeans, a green flannel that set off her emerald eyes beautifully, and a pair of white converse. All from Forever 21, her latest fashion store.

I, on the other hand, was wearing some ripped skinny jeans, a hoodie two sizes to big, and a pair of sneakers. Topped off with my hair in a messy top-knot. (For those who have no idea what a messy top-knot is, it's a messy bun. You're welcome.)

We stepped into the lobby and as usual, Charolette was turning heads with her draw-dropping beauty and the perfect outfit. Her outfit was actually pretty casual for her, but the green made her eyes pop and her olive skin look flawless. Which it is.

She smiled and waved, showing off her pearly white teeth. I am pretty sure she got stopped by at least three guys who wanted her number. She turned down every single one. She replied with, "Sorry, I have a boyfriend."

"You do not have a boyfriend!" I said to her when we stepped inside the gift shop.

"I know," She said, rolling her eyes at me like I was the dumbest person to walk the planet. "But all those guys were nasty!"

"Diva!" I mumbled under my breath.

All of a sudden, someone came up behind me and gave me a big forceful hug. I turned to see who it was,

"Dad?" I said causing Charolette to turn around.

"Come on Cassie!" She said, tugging on my arm. "Let's go!"

"Don't you dare utter a word." My dad threatened. "Come on Charolette, before I have to hurt someone."

"Charolette!" I called, "Go hide!" She tried to get away, but not before my dad grabbed her too.

"You're not going anywhere."

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