Chapter Nine: Jason

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"What should we do?" Life asked me. He looked very concerned and clearly was on the brink of hyperventilating.
"First, we should calm down. Then, I think we might have to leave."
Life's face fell as I told him we had to cut our date short.
"Alright," He said, "I'll leave them some money."
He placed a hundred dollar bill on the table and got up.
"How about we go for a walk?" I suggested as we exited the restaurant.
Life's face lit up and he was clearly excited about the idea. "Ok!" He agreed eagerly.
As we left through the double doors he grabbed my hand.
It was dark and cold outside but the moon was full and caster an eerie shadow in the night.
"Wow." I exclaimed quietly, "It sure is beautiful out here."
"Yeah." Life said, agreeing with me.
In the silence of the night we just walked along together until Life broke the silence, "Cassie there is something I've been meaning to tell you."
I looked at his face and I could tell he was being serious, "Alright." I said, "You can tell me anything."
"Ok." He said nervously, "My real name isn't Life."
I gasped in shock, "It's not?"
"No." He said, as he stopped walking.
"So what is it?" I asked, turning to face him.
"Jason." He responded, "My real name is Jason Troy Thomas."
"Why do people call you Life then?" I asked him curiously.
"Because." He said, grabbing both my hands, "I'm a cover."
"I-I don't understand."
What does he mean 'a cover?'
"I'm not the real Life. The real Life went into hiding sixteen years ago and they never found him. It is guessed that he came up here and was killed."
"But what about my depression?" I asked Jason.
"That is because there was no Life, I'm just a stand-in." He explained.
"What about your powers?" I asked him, this was a lot to take in. My boyfriend isn't who he said he was, the giver of Life is dead. Wow. Just wow.
"Dr. Ella granted me powers and helped me achieve them."
Ella. Ella. Ella. That name sounded familiar, then I remembered.
"That was the doctor who helped me!" I exclaimed.
"Who?" A voice asked. We both turned to see who it was. My Dad was standing behind us.
"Let's go!" Jason yelled, grabbing my hand.
"Oh! Leaving so soon?" My Dad asked.
As me and Jason bolted towards our hotel we heard my Dad call out, "You know you can't escape me."

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