Chapter Twenty Three: Journal

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I sat in my room in the small house we had rented in Iowa. We had arrived about an hour earlier and I was unpacking my stuff when I came across my diary.
I know, I know, I have a diary. Don't judge me! I honestly haven't written a thing in it for ages. I snuggled up on my bed and slowly turned the turquoise cover, revealing page after page filled with my cursive writing.
My mother had gotten me this journal after my, "adoption" because I was so upset all the time. I thought it was dumb then, but it actually helped.
At the bottom of every page it said, "XOXO- Samantha" Recalling my given name brought back fond memories of my birth family. I loved them so much! But I'm not with them any more. It's all over. I'm the Devil's Daughter now.
I flipped to the very back of the journal and was shocked to see what was written.

"Dear Cassie,
I know you probably think I am snooping but I didn't read a thing in here. I discovered this while looking for your purse when I was trying to find you. I promise I did not read anything but I might've written a few things.

I smiled at the thought of Jason owning a diary. It was sweet of him to let me know he didn't read anything. I carefully turned the page revealing a list written in light rounded handwriting:

Reasons Why I Love Cassie:
1. She is sweet
2. She is funny
3. She's the prettiest girl I've ever seen
4. I'm in love with her
5. I hope she likes me back

Reading that, a huge smile spread across my face. I probably looked really dumb but that is the sweetest thing anyone has ever written for me! I took a picture of the list with my phone and set the journal down.
Glancing at the clock I decided to watch some TV. I snuggled underneath the blankets and flipped to Fixer Upper. Only the best show ever!!!
After watching one two hour episode I hopped out of bed and finished unpacking my stuff.
Once I was done my stomach rumbled. "I'm hungry!" I said to myself.
Walking to the door I opened it, I trudged down the stairs to the kitchen. Opening cupboards with my telekinesis I realized we would be having dinner in an hour.
I used my finger to bring the cheese and crackers over and set them down carefully in front of me.
A pair of hands covered my eyes, "Guess who?" A male voice asked.
"Gee, I don't know!" I answered, giggling, "Maybe the only dude in the house." I grabbed his hands and turned around, throwing my arms around his neck.
"Hey." He said, giving me a big hug.
"Hey." I answered back, "I saw what you wrote in my journal." I pulled away so I could see his face.
He looked down at me, his eyes growing soft, "Yeah."
"Guess what?" I asked him, smiling.
"Huh?" He asked.
"I am so madly in love with you!" I answered laughing loudly.
"Good! Because I am so in love with you!"
He put his arm around me and I laid my head on his chest.
"I love you." He whispered.
"I love you too."

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