Chapter Seven: Day one

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When I woke up the sun was streaming through the curtains, blanketing everything under its soft warmth.
"Where am I?" I asked, yawning groggily.
"The human world." A voice answered.
I rolled over to see who it was. Charlotte, Life, and Finch were all standing next to me.
"Ahhhh!" I screamed and rolled out of the bed, hitting my head on the way down. "Owwww." I said, rubbing my forehead.
"Are you okay?" Life asked, truly concerned.
"Yeah." I answered as he offered his hand.
"Thanks." I said, taking his hand. He pulled me up and wrapped me in a big hug. We just sat there for a moment. And for once I felt truly safe, wrapped in his arms.
"Alright, alright!" Finch said, "What should we do today?"
"Shop!" Charlotte yelled out.
"Golf!" Life cried.
"Sleep!" I said, rolling back into bed, "I'm tired!"
Everyone laughed, "What?" I asked them, "I am!"
"You're always tired!" Char cried out, "For once let's do something!"
"Fine." I told her, "Let's get coffee first."
"Ok. Fine. Everyone go get ready!" Char commanded.
"We are ready!" Finch said.
"I'm not!" I told him.
"Ok. We will meet you guys in the lobby in ten minutes." Life said.
"Alright!" Char called after them, closing the door. "Cassie Harper Miller! Get out of bed and get ready!"
"Fine." I said, rolling out of bed.
I walked over to my suitcase and unzipped it. Grabbing my sundress I began to undress.
"Hurry!" Char called from the bathroom.
"Ok! Ok!" I yelled at her.
I threw the gray sundress dotted with sunflowers over my head.
Char walked out, "Oh Cassie." She said breathlessly, "You look gorgeous."
I walked in front of the full-length mirror and twirled around in my dress. I guess I do clean up nicely. I threw my hair into a side braid.
"Cassie you are so pretty." Charlotte said, putting her arm around me.
"Girl, I'm not even wearing makeup." I told her, laughing.
"Don't wear any." She told me, "You look incredible."
"Well... I guess I won't."
"Yay! Let's go meet the boys downstairs!" Charlotte said excitedly.
I felt like a princess, entering the lobby, everybody was staring at me!
"Why are they staring?" I asked Charlotte, quietly.
"Because you're so gorgeous!" She told me.
As I entered the lobby Life turned around and just stood there.
"I-I-is something wrong?" I asked him.
"Yeah." He said.
I began to grow nervous, I couldn't even keep a boyfriend for a day?
"I should've asked you out long ago." He answered, "you're gorgeous!"
I breathed a sigh of relief and twirled around laughing.

He began to laugh with me and he finally grabbed my hand, "Come on, Gorgeous, let's go get some coffee."

We left the lobby and walked down the paved sidewalk together. Me and Life hand in hand, and Charlotte with Finch's arm around her. I gazed at the fruit trees planted on the sidewalk and stopped to read a sign about them.

"Guys!" I called to them, "Check this out! These are fruit trees so the homeless and starving have something to eat for free!"

"Wow!" Finch said, "That's really interesting!"

"You think everything is interesting, Babe." Charlotte said laughing, her emerald green eyes twinkling in the sunlight.

"Whatever." He replied to her, wrapping her in a hug and kissing her forehead.

You see, the super cute thing about them is Charlotte is four feet and eleven inches and Finch is six foot.

"Oh, please!" I told them, laughing, "Lets just go get coffee!"
We arrived at the coffee shop a few minutes later. The shop was small, but extremely busy! I could tell it was a local hit!
"Miss for you?" The waiter asked me.
"I'll have an iced caramel macchiato with extra caramel drizzle and whipped cream on the top please."
"Alright, for you?" She asked Charlotte.
"Ummm... I'll have a... peppermint mocha."
"Ohhh..." Finch said laughing, "You're gonna regret that!"
"Oh be quiet!" Charlotte commanded, laughing.
"I'll pay!" Life called.
"Are you sure?" I asked him.
I knew it costed a lot, I could see on the register. We all ordered larges with extra toppings!

"Yup." He said, handing the barista a twenty dollar bill. "I've got it!'

"Well thanks!" I told him.

Life is actually really sweet and I'm super happy we are together! Even though we've only been together for twenty four hours, but still. I really love him!
"Hey, Cass." Life said, bringing me out of my daydream. "Do you want to go out tonight? I saw this great Italian place?"
Wow. In twenty four hours I went from dating Netflix to going on a date with the cutest guy ever.
"Umm. Yeah!" I said trying to act cool, "Sounds great!"
"Sweet!" He said excitedly, "I'll pick you up at seven! Wear something formal!"

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