Chapter Thirty Two: The Voices

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Layla's POV

"Boss?" I rapped on The Bosses door, my backpack in tow, hair in a bun, and coffee in my hand.

"Layla!" The Boss cried delightedly, "What do you have for me?"

I glanced down at his nasty hairy hands adorned with long yellow fingernails, signifying his true monster appeal.

"Plenty Sir." I said, setting my backpack on the desk.


"Yes Sir." The Boss moved aside and let me take a seat at the computer. I plugged my phone in and all the tabs came up.


I beamed proudly, whenever The Boss was approved of you, it was to be taken as a HUGE compliment.

"Thank you Layla, leave me the USB and take a break week."

"Thank you sir." I handed over the USB, hesitating slightly.

Do I really want to hand over all of someone's information to The Devil?!

Come on Layla! Toughen up! Your not eight anymore! This is your job.

"Goodbye Layla."

I walked out of his office, tossing my empty coffee cup into the trash. I walked into my office and gathered up my things.

Your dumb.

You'll never be good enough for this.

Your harming innocent people.

They didn't do anything.

Horrid thoughts swirled in my head, pounding their way into my skull.

"Shut up!" I screamed, slamming my bag onto the table, "You don't tell me what to do!"

I sat down with a sigh, "Good job Layla, now your arguing with yourself."

I stood up, slinging my backpack over my shoulder, I grabbed my keys and locked up my door.

Trudging out of the building night began to fall as I headed toward my apartment. I walked up the stairs and unlocked my apartment, throwing my stuff on the floor I flopped onto my bed with a huff.

Your only sixteen genius you'll never be good enough to work for the devil.

Great! I argued, then I won't work for him!

Then what?

I turned off the lights and lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling.

I date someone and actually go to school instead of hacking.


No one loves you anyway, your just a kid who hacks up computers and sells it to the Devil.

Jason loved me. I argued back.

No he didn't.

Yeah, but it doesn't matter, he loves her now. I can tell by the way he looks at her. Like she's his world. I can tell, he'll never let anything happen to her.

Twenty bucks they get married.

"Deal." I sighed.

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