Chapter Thirty-One: Revenge

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"Jessie?" I whispered.

Charolette and I stood in the entrance of the cafe. It wasn't the cafe that shocked me. But the woman managing it. She had blond hair that fell slightly past her shoulders, blue eyes, and a gorgeous smile.

I knew it was her right away.


"Go say hello!" Charolette nudged me with her shoulder but all I could do was stand there. My jaw was dropped and my face wore a mask of surprise.

When she spotted me all she could do was stand there, paralyzed with shock.



"Geez, guys we get it! You're surprised!" Charolette hollered, exasperated, "Now hug it out already!"She shoved me to Jessalynn who welcomed me with open arms.

"Oh, Cassie! I've missed you so much!" She gushed hugging me tighter still, "And how you've grown!"

"I can't believe it's you," I whispered. My brain still wasn't fully comprehending the situation.

"I prayed you would come back!" Jessalynn said excitedly, letting go of me.

"You prayed?" I asked. My family had never been very religious. Well, mostly cause, you know, my dad is the Devil.

"Yes! I pray all the time now! God is good Cassie! God is good!" God. What a wonderful sounding name. I was shocked. Here I was with my long lost sister, a beautiful girl, so on fire for the Lord. The Lord I have never known. But, plans change.


"And I found this wonderful Church and all the people there are so great! And if you guys come with me I just know you will love it! I can't wait!" We were on our way to the house and all Jessalynn could talk about was God.

"He died for you guys!" She exclaimed excitedly. "He is so great!"

I wasn't sure about this whole God thing, but I was willing to give it a try. She seemed so happy, knowing him.

When we walked up to the house I noticed something. A pink phone peeking out of the bushes and a strand of white blond hair.

Layla. I stared her down with everything I had in me.

"What a cute little house!" Jessie exclaimed.

"Yeah," I said hurriedly, "even cuter inside! Let's check it out!" I practically shoved them in the door.

"Jason!" I called sweetly, slamming the door behind me. He walked into the main foyer I sent a forced smile in his direction and I knew he knew what to do.

Layla is outside. I thought. He nodded his head worriedly.

"Are you...?" He said noticing Jess for the first time.

"Jason!" Jessie exclaimed in delight. "Hi! So good to see you again!" She ran over and gave him a quick hug.

"Wow! It's crazy you're here! I have snacks set out in the kitchen. I need to talk to you, Cassie." He ushered them into the kitchen. A smile plastered on his face but his eyes full of alarm.

When they were finally gone he pulled me into the living room just off the foyer.

"Are you sure it's her?" He asked, panicking.

"I promise."

I slowly peeked my phone out from the bushes, watching them through the camera.  When my phone vibrated in my hands.

Shut up dumb thing.

Finch: Find anything yet guys?

Wes: Nope.

Me: They are entering the house.

I took my phone and scanned the older girl's purse. All sorts of information came up and I copied the link.

Finch: Who?

Me: Jessica? Cassie and Charolette duh.

Finch: JESSALYNN????

Me: yeah... that was her name!!!

Finch: Crap. I didn't think I would see her again. It's Cassie's long lost sister.

Wes: Cassie has a sister?!?!?!

Me: yes apparently dummy! Try and keep up!

Finch: *eye roll

Me: Cassie spotted me. She is staring me down.

Finch: come back to the base.

Me: Yes sir.

I turned off my phone and glared at the door of the house. I shoved my phone into my back pack and slung it over my shoulders.

I slowly crept out of the bushes and snuck away from the house. I stuck a hat and sunglasses on my head and walked down the street, my hair blowing in the breeze.

I stared into the window from the sidewalk and I could see Cassie and Jason talking. Their faces were mixes of shock and panic. Perfect. We have them right where we want them.

"What did you find?" Finch asked, brushing his shaggy brown hair out of his frosty green eyes.

"Lots." I slammed my backpack onto the metal table and took my phone out.

Finch took the hat off my head and ruffled my hair, "Good job."

I flicked his hand away from me, "Don't touch me peasant."

He pulled his hand away from me as if I would bite him. "Well," He acknowledged the computer, "Lets see it."

I plugged my phone into the computer and page after page of information came up.

"Looks like she is currently employed at The Green Leaf Cafè, she goes to Christ Center Church, she plays hockey and goes to school at University of Iowa."

Wes and Finch nodded, "And her credit card?"

"It's all right here." I clicked the mouse and pulled up the page, "Including her ID card, credit card, social security number, and all her recent purchases including receipts."

"Dang." Wes exclaimed quietly. Clearly he was impressed with my hacking abilities.

"Then any other information including anything she has ever searched online will be in the back. Now fetch me a drink."

"Yes Ma'me." Wes scurried off into the kitchen.

The Boss (AKA The Devil) recently found Wes and took him under his wing. Since Wes looks like a super hot swimsuit model we used him to lure in Charolette. Then he weaseled all the information out of her.

Now, Jason, it's time for revenge.

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