Chapter Twenty Seven: The Devil's Slave

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(Typically I don't like to switch POV's but it looks like I have to to keep the plot moving, ugh)
Wes' POV

"Y-y-yes sir" I stuttered. Picking up the phone book.

"Tell them three injections aren't enough I need more!"

When the Devil is mad, he is mad. His eyes become balls of a fiery hell and his voice gets low and raspy.

I picked up the phone, my hands shaking and dialed the doctors phone.

"He needs more injections." I explained to the doctor.

I turned to look at the Devil. He nodded his head, his hands with growing claws at the end. I shuddered at the sight of him.

You're probably wondering how I got here, how I became the Devil's Slave. I'm an orphan. My Dad brought me over here after my mom died of cancer. It was eating away at her bones. Anyway, my dad died in a fight. He was raised in an abusive home and was always fighting someone. It finally caught up to him.

I got a job at Nike, trying to make money. That's when I discovered, Nike isn't what you think, they make great stuff. But it's fake. It's a cover for the Devil.

So the Devil took me under his wing.

And I've been his slave ever since.

"Wes!" The Devil screamed from another room, his voice cracking. I cringed at the pure hideousness dripping from his tone.

"What did they say?" He screeched.

"Um, they said y-yes sir!" I hollered back.

"Very good. Break."

My shoulders relaxed at the relief of finally getting my break. I grabbed my bag and walked out the door, The afternoon sun blinding me.

I ran down the street to downtown. I made my way down the paved road, cars zoomed by me as if they all had somewhere to be.

Finally when I came across Sam's Club I ran around to the back where I had built my home. It is made out of three refrigerator boxes, a tarp, and some rope

Two boxes as the sides, one across the top, and the tarp draped over it. Sure it doesn't have a pool, or windows, or a foundation. But it's my HOME and I love it.

"Home sweet home." I whispered.

Inside I have a ripped pillow and a plastic tarp for a blanket.

I shimmed under the blanket and set down my bag.

The sunlight was quickly fading and I heard a worker walk out and throw away todays trash.
"Hey Wes." They whispered.

"Hey Charles." I said, poking my head out of the tarp.

"Goodnight bro."

"Goodnight." I said, disappearing under my tarp once again. Dreams of Charolette floated in my head. Sure I was supposed to be spying on her, but I really like her!

But with Charolette, comes Jason. He makes me sick. He thinks he's so great. Uck. I hate him. He thinks he's "All that."

I ignored Jason for a while and fell asleep. I was tired! The Devil really used me as a slave this time.

I shuddered at the thought of him. The Devil. My master.

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