Chapter fourteen: Layla

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After spotting my Dad again we decided to stay inside our hotel. We ordered room service and played a lot of video games.
Finally we decided to walk around the hotel.
"Do they have a gift shop?!?!" Charolette asked excitedly.
"Probably." Jason answered her.
I was really grateful that Jason was being so nice to Charolette. I couldn't imagine what it would feel like to have your boyfriend betray you and then just leave.
But thoughts of that brought memories to mind. Memories of being scared. Memories of dark rooms and people laughing. Memories of being exposed.
I had a "boyfriend" once. He was really cute, brown hair that always fell into his eyes, deep brown eyes, and a smile that made you forget all of life's problems.
Sounds dreamy right? But everyone has a dark side. His name was Henry. He made it his life mission to destroy me. He would always kiss me and then embarrass me in front of our friends. He would make fun of how I had A.D.H.D and people would always laugh at me. Nobody understands what it's like, you can't focus and then all of a sudden you're getting teased for being called on by the teacher and not ever knowing the answer.
Finally he invited me to a "party" and when I showed up there were pictures of me with the words, "LOSER!" Pasted everywhere, I ran out crying and ended up changing schools and I never saw Henry again.
"Wow." Jason whispered as Charolette ran ahead. "I'm really sorry that happened."
"Wha?" What is he talk- oh! He can read minds! I forgot!
"Yeah, just because I'm not the real Life doesn't mean I can't read minds." Jason explained.
"Oh Jason?!?! Jason is that you?" A girl's voice called.
Jason visibly tended up, "Oh no. Layla."
I turned around to see a gorgeous girl with waist-length wavy blond hair, blue eyes, and a gorgeous pale blue dress that set off her tan skin tone.
"Who's Layla?" I whispered to Jason.
"My ex-girlfriend from Retaw who can't get over me."
"What is she doing here?" I sneered. If she so much as lays a finger on my man, I swear I will destroy her.
"I have no idea." Jason said, his jaw tense.
I turned around fully and Layla bolted toward Jason. She literally jumped onto him, "Hey Babe." She said softly to him, brushing his hair out of his eyes.
"Yeah, so Jason and I are kinda-" I started.
She grabbed his face and almost kissed him.
Jason pushed her off him, "Dating." He said firmly, "Me and Cassie are dating."
"What!" Layla cried, obviously upset at this new development. "You're already over me Baby?"
"Layla, we broke up a year ago." Jason said rolling his eyes at her.
"I know, but I still love you." She complained.
"Yeah, well I love him now." I told her angrily, grabbing his arm. "So just back off hon. Okay?" I shouted at her.
"Alright, Hon! Let me teach you a lesson!" Layla shouted at me.
"Layla!" Jason yelled at her, "If you so much as touch her I'm going to beat you up."
"You're taking her side?" Layla said, astonished with what she was hearing.
"Of course I am! She's my girlfriend! And I promise if I ever see you again!" Jason was literally screaming at Layla.
"Calm down Jason." I said, patting him on the shoulder.
"Sorry Cass, I'm just really ticked at her."
"I know Babe, I know. Bye Layla!" I said sweetly, "Go back to the dumpster you crawled out of!" I twiddled my fingers at her, "Too-da-loo!"
"Whatever." She said rolling her eyes at me, even though she was acting cool I could see her anger boiling over as she stormed away.
"Y-y-you said you loved me!" Jason stuttered.
"Yeah," I said, smirking at him, "And I would gladly do it again." I grabbed him and gave him a kiss, walking away I caught up to Charolette.
"Hey! What happened back there?" She asked me.
"Long story, but it ended in a kiss." I told her. I saw her eyes light up and then she started squealing and I squealed right along with her.
"He kissed you?" She asked.
She looked astonished and stopped jumping up and down. "So what happened?"
"I kissed him!" I cried and we jumped up and down again.
Just then a text appeared on my phone:
"Back off my man."

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