Chapter Twenty: The Monster

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"We have to go. Now." I had never seen Jason like this before! His eyes were filled with a sort of fire and I could practically hear the adrenaline pumping through his veins. "Your Dad is a monster."
He ran his fingers through his brown hair nervously.
"Babe, I know he's evil but he isn't a monster." I said, trying to calm him down.
"No Cassie. He's a monster." Jason explained quietly. "He has been getting injections every week that make him develop into an actual monster."
I gasped at this shocking news. "How do you know..." I wondered aloud.
"When I was climbing through the vent I heard him talking about it and I stopped to listen."
Normally under any other occasion I would've found it weird that my boyfriend was spying on my dad. But in this case, I found it perfectly normal. But you know, none of this would've happened if it weren't for you stupid humans.
If you are human, just know, I hate you. You might be wondering why. Well, I will tell you. I'm human.
These aren't my real parents.
Retaw isn't my real home.
Cassie isn't even my real name.
When I was born, I was born into a happy loving home in Crivitz Wisconsin. I had a mom named Carissa and a dad named Timothy. I even had siblings! Charlie was nineteen, Anna was twelve, Nina was four, and Blake was two. I was six when I was kidnapped by my dad.
On November Third, I was lying in my bed at three am, wide awake, when all of a sudden my window shattered and my dad crawled in, knocked me out, and brought me to Retaw. Never to be seen again. He had heard that I was born with superpowers, and he made it his mission to have me.
I am aware of what I said before, but, my Dad threatened that if I ever tell anyone the real story, I will regret it. But I can trust you. Right? Unless of course, you're a human.
He left my parents alone and they never even bothered to search for me. I was abandoned by them. And left alone to die. And shortly after my kid napping my adopted mother, Embry Corianna, did actually die. But I was not born into a Rank's family.

My siblings were fine, thank goodness. But I would give anything to see them again. Even though I will forever hate my parents who never bothered to rescue me from the grasp of the Devil.
But now thanks to them, I have blossomed into, The Devils Daughter.

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