Chapter Twenty Six: Scooter

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"Omg!" I squealed. "You got me a puppy!"
"Yeah, we pick him up after this." Jason said, beaming proudly.
"Thank you so much!" We stood up and I threw my arms around his neck. He gave me a big hug. I looked up at him in his deep brown eyes and he gave me a soft kiss on my forehead.
"I know coming up here has been kinda hard and you miss your parents and Retaw."
"Again," I said blushing, "Thank you."
"Of course!"
We sat down to eat but all I could think of was my future puppy!
When it was finally time to go pick him up I was so excited I thought I would burst!
"We are here." The driver said as we pulled up. When we walked inside, the noise of animals rang loudly in my ears. Since it was pretty late, there was barely anyone in the shop. We walked up to the front counter, The lady behind the desk appeared to be in her mid sixties with pearl colored hair, Caribbean blue eyes, and cat eye glasses.
"Hi," Jason said, "Jason here for the pomskie."
"Ah, yes." The woman said with a friendly smile, "Jason." She spoke to him as if they were long lost friends. "Let me grab him, I will be back soon just stay put honey bunch." She stood up and walked into the back room, the door slamming behind her.
"Honey Bunch?" I asked Jason, giggling.
"Hey, the lady's got a type." He said, laughing.
"Alright, here you go." The woman walked out from the back room carrying the most adorable puppy I had ever seen!
"Oh my gosh!" I squealed, "He's so cute!"
The woman handed the puppy to me and he looked up at me with his sapphire eyes surrounded my grey fur and I couldn't help but smile.
He wiggled around in my arms and I held him close to me.
"So," Jason asked, "Do you love him?" He peeked over my shoulder at my new puppy.
"I do! He's so cute!"
"Alright, you prepaid for him" the woman said, "So you may leave."
"Does he need supplies or anything?" I asked Jason.
"Nope, I already bought it all." I was impressed that Jason had thought so far ahead. Usually he isn't super prepared.
"Wow!" I said, my puppy squirming in my arms, "You thought of everything!"
"Yup." Jason said proudly, "Now you just need to name him."
"He got you a WHAT?!?!" I was on the phone with Charolette we were in the limo on our way home.
"Char, he rented a LIMO, took me to dinner, and got me a PUPPY! A PUPPY!"
"Girl, you better keep him around!" Charolette said into the phone, laughing.
"Alright I'll be home soon. Bye!" Home. It had been a long time since I called something Home.
"Bye!" Charolette said, interrupting my thoughts.
I hung up with her and looked down at my puppy.
"I think I'm going to name you, Scooter." I told my puppy.
"Scooter huh?" Jason said, walking back from the front of the limo.
"Yeah." I looked down at Scooter and he wiggled in agreement.
Jason sat down next to me and Scooter wriggled out of my arms and ran onto Jason's lap.
"Hey buddy." Jason said holding Scooter. He tried to wiggle away from Jason, sending me and Jason into a fit of giggles.
When we arrived at the house there was a car out front.
"Thank you sir." Jason said to the chauffeur, handing him his money. We stepped out of the limo, "I wonder who that could be." I said aloud, clipping Scooters leash onto his collar we walked inside.
There, sitting on the couch was that cute guy from the mall. What was his name? Wes! Charolette was snuggled up next to him with her head on his shoulder and they were watching a movie. Something about him made me sick.
"Um, are we interrupting something?" Jason asked awkwardly.
"Hey guys!" Charolette said, standing up, and walking toward us. "Is that the puppy! He's so cute!" She bent down to pet him. She was currently wearing a sky blue crop top, white knit sweater, sky blue jeans, and white heels. She looked really dressed up for just sitting on the couch.
"What's his name?" Wes asked me.
"Scooter." Jason answered, staring him down. The sight of the two of them staring at each other made me nervous. Wes' icy blue eyes seemed to stare into Jason's soul.
I just sat there awkwardly, holding the leash while Charolette continued to pet Scooter.
"He's cute ain't he Babe?" Wes asked Charolette, putting emphasis on Babe.
Babe? What's THIS about? How are they a couple already? They JUST met TODAY. Why is he at MY house? Why is he here so late??
"Yeah," Charolette said dreamily, "Super cute."
I could tell something was wrong with Wes, but Charolette seemed so captivated by his good looks and British accent.
"Ok, I think THIS is over." Jason said, waving his hands signifying Wes should leave.
"But we aren't-" Wes started.
"Bye Wes." I said, dropping the leash and pushing Wes out the door, my heels click clacking on the floor.
"Bye Charolette." He said, his voice sickeningly sweet.
"Bye Wes." I could see the hearts in her eyes.
Jason glared at him, then slammed the door after him.
"Char, you can't date him." I told her.
"What!" She yelled at me.
"He's bad I can tell!"
"Your just jealous!" She screamed.
"Char trust me!"
"No! You don't know!" She stormed off to her room and I could hear the faint sound of her heels clicking on the hardwood floors.
"Well that went well." Jason said.
"He's bad I promise!" I wailed.
"I know, he's just using her, I read his mind." Jason wrapped his arms around me.
"Why can't she see that?"
"I don't know."
I leaned my head on Jason's shoulder, forgetting about Wes for the time being.

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