Chapter Thirteen:Target

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"Our new powers are so cool!" Charolette squealed excitedly.
"I know right!" I agreed with her.
"Hey do you guys want to do something? Like I will literally willingly go to Target right now." Jason asked.
"Target!" Charolette and I squealed excitedly.
"Is it even open?" I asked Jason.
"Yeah it's only eight thirty and they close around ten I think. Plus it's right down the street."
"Alright!" I agreed, I grabbed my phone and purse. Then I threw on my huge sweatshirt and tossed my hair into a messy topknot.
"Let's go!" Charolette said and we all walked down to the lobby.
We stepped out into the cool night, the black sky dotted with stars, and the lush green grass.
Jason grabbed my hand and looked at me as we walked down the street.
"It's so pretty out here!" Charolette commented.
"Yeah it is." Jason said, I looked over but I didn't see him! He was still holding my hand though...
"Jason!" I whisper-shouted, "Stop using your powers!"
He immediately turned back to normal and smirked at me, "Your no fun!" He complained.
We sat in silence until Jason started humming "Kick The Dust Up" by Luke Bryan.
"I love that song!" I told him excitedly.
"You like Country too?" He asked me.
"It's my favorite!" I told him.
"Cool!" He exclaimed excitedly.
"You guys are weird." Charolette said looking at us like we were gum on her pizza.
"No!" I told her, "you're weird!"
We quickly approached Target and I walked quickly in front of them.
"Slow down!" Jason complained.
"Nah!" I said not even changing my pace a little bit.
Suddenly Jason ran up behind me and picked me up. "Hey!" I squealed, laughing. "Put me down!"
"Nope! I have acquired the princess! She is mine!"
"Jason! Put me down!" I complained.
"No thanks!"
Charolette just stared at us "Awwwww!" She said, "You guys are so cute together! Now come on!"
Jason finally set me down, "Thank you!" I told him and started to laugh.
"Of course madam." He said taking a bow.
"Come on guys! We're here!" Charolette squealed excitedly.
We walked inside the huge sliding doors. Wow! This place is gargantous!
"Woah." Jason said under his breath, "This store is huge!"
"Yeah," I said, I was literally speechless.
I had never seen such a huge store! Inside they had produce, makeup, clothes, a deli, and so much more!
"Let's get cookies!" Charolette suggested.
"Well..." I debated, "Ok."

We walked over to the bakery and eventually settled on lemon cookies. I absolutely love lemon! Lemonade, lemon cake, lemon cookies, even lemon air fresheners. I'm all about that lemon life!

"I just remembered!" Charolette interrupted just as I was about to eat my second lemon cookie. "I need makeup remover!"

"Alright," I said in defeat as I set down my lemon cookie, "Until next time fresh baked friend."
We all got up to leave when I heard a familiar voice from across the bakery.

"No!" The voice commanded, "It must say, 'Congratulations Nike!'"

A chill ran up my spine as I turned to see who it was. There stood my dad complaining to an employee that he didn't get his way.

"Jason," I whispered nervously, "Turn around slowly and subtly." I flipped my hood up in hopes that my dad would not recognize us,

Jason turned around and acted as though he was interested in buying some blueberry muffins. "Oh it's on!" He whisper-shouted.

"Jason!" I cried to him, "What do we do?"

"Let's go get Charlotte's makeup remover at the Walgreens across from our hotel."

"Ok." I agreed, "Charolette, it's time to go,"

"Why?" She complained.

"Turn around." I commanded.

She turned around slowly and let out a sharp gasp when she noticed who I was talking about.
"Wha?" She said clearly confused.
"Come on Char! We have to go." I told her, grabbing her hand.
"But I don't wanna-"
Right then my Dad turned around, his eyes lit up with fire. Jason ran up to Charolette and picked her up and we ran out of that place.
Jason set her down, "Thanks Babe." I told him. "You saved us."

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