Chapter Two: The real world

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By the time I was twelve my dad stopped caring about what scared me I had already been on so many of his assassination missions. He never bothers to protect me from funerals and things because I've already witnessed the pale lips, the waxy skin, and the lifeless eyes of the dead. You would think I would be fased by these things, but Nah.

"Oh, Sweetie!" My Dad's voice called from upstairs.

"Yes, Dad?" I hollered back to him. Our house is quite large, considering my Dad is a pretty high rank and all.

"Come down here! I have presents!"

Sometimes after my Dad comes home from work he brings me presents. He's never home that much though. He works in the real human world, and from what I've heard it's pretty scary. There are buildings infested with tiny humans and they call them, "Schools." It sounds terrible!

"Ok, Dad!" I screamed, I jumped off my bed and flung my door open,"On my way!" I bolted up the stairs and ran into the kitchen.

"Hi, honey." My dad said as he wrapped me in a big hug. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too Dad!" I didn't really miss him though, it was nice to have the house to myself again. "How was this mission?"

"It was great!" He beamed happily,"Another successful assassination!"

Sometimes I wish my dad did something normal and didn't kill people for fun. I mean, it's okay though right? They're just people. But the kids at my school are so scared of him they won't even talk to me! It gets pretty annoying. I get really upset about it. They only people at school who do talk to me are, Charolette and Finch.

Char is pretty great on her own, but with Finch it's like third wheeling a couple, You know?

The slamming of the briefcase my dad was carrying jolted me back to reality. I looked down at it it was all black.

"Open it!" He cried out happily.

I flipped it open. Inside there was a handgun. It was completely black with the exception of a silver sparkly stripe right down it.

"It's gorgeous!" I squealed picking it up. I ran my finger down the stripe, admiring the way it sparkled.

"Now you can go with me on some missions!" My Dad cheered.

I know I should be excited but, I feel bad killing people myself. It makes me feel, sad. I mean, they're innocent(ish) people! But whatever, they have to die at some point right? So technically, I'm doing them a favor. Or maybe not. I don't know! It's confusing okay?

"Thanks, Dad!" I hugged him,"I love you."

I felt guilty as I hugged him, he wants me to be an assassin but I don't want to do that!

"I'm going to Charolette's." I told him as I pulled away.

"Bye Honey! Text and be safe!" He called after me.

"I will!" I replied, running to our garage.

I grabbed the keys and my phone from the counter. I flung the door open and hopped into my pickup truck. Turning on the radio I began to think about what my Dad had said about me joining him. I don't really want to but I don't want to let him down! My favorite Ariana Grande song came on and I couldn't help but jam out. Putting my worries aside, for now.
                                      • • •
"All that matters is that you do what you want." Charolette said, looking up from her phone.
"I know." I told her, sadly. "But at the same time I don't know. You know?"
"Nope!" Charolette yelled out, "That sentence was INCREDIBLY confusing!"
I slapped my forehead with my palm, Char can be so ignorant sometimes! She's not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer, you know what I mean?
"I mean," I explained to her, "I know I have to follow my heart and all that Disney stuff. But, I don't know what I want to do."
"Ohhhh!" Charolette exclaimed. "Makes sense now."
So we sat there for about five minutes in awkward silence until I finally said, "So how's Finch?"
"Oh my gosh! Cas! You'll never even believe this!" Charolette screamed, "HE ASKED ME TO PROM!!!!"
"OMG!!!!" We both screamed and jumped up and down.
"You wanna see my dress?" She asked me, beaming with joy.
"Of course!" I told her, even though she had already showed me, Charolette suffers from short term memory loss.
"Ta-Da!" She cried out gleefully.
The dress was breathtaking! It was dark blue chiffon with sparkles and one strap!
"Char! That's beautiful!!!" I exclaimed, laughing.
"What's so funny?" She asked, looking upset. She crossed her arms and pouted.
"You've already showed me your dress!" I laughed, "Three times!"
Charolette looked frustrated, "Darn! I did it again!" She slapped her forehead with her palm and began laughing too.
I absolutely love Char! We met by chance, I was being picked on by the quarterback and she told them to knock it off. She sat with me at lunch and we've been best friends ever since!
"Should we?" Char asked, jolting me back to reality.
"Should we what?" I stammered, "Sorry, I wasn't listening."
"Ugh! Cass!" Charolette cried out, clearly exasperated with my lack of knowledge. "I said, should we go," She changed her tone to a whisper, "To the real world."

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