𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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Sam had dragged me out of the apartment. We were walking down the block but I still couldn't help but wonder why Vanoss just let me go outside. I could tell Sam was staring at me with concern.

"Wondering about Vanoss?" Sam asked. I nodded my head a little.

"Do you know him?" I asked.

"I've met him before. I can't say that I really know him though," Sam replied. "It was pretty weird how he didn't put up a fight. I had a few things to get off my chest," Sam said with a half smile. It made me giggle a little.

"So you've been here before?" I asked Sam.

"Yeah, but Jonathan told me not to come here anymore but I had to find you and I knew he would definitely have helped if it wasn't him who took you," she said in a serious tone as we turned the corner. "What were you really doing there, (Y/n)?" I paused for a moment. I wanted to tell her the truth but I didn't want to cause her any problems.

"I already told you. Jonathan was shot and they wanted me to help him," I said.

"There's more to it. (Y/N), I've known you forever. I can tell when you're hiding something." She was right. Nothing about me can pass her without notice.

"Just let it go. I don't want you to get involved," I said. She just sighed.

"When this is all over, whatever it is that's happening, you better tell me everything," Sam said.

"Of course," I said with a smile. "Where are we going anyway?"

"It's a surprise," she said with an innocent smile. I gave her a funny look and didn't really know if I could trust her. "Don't worry. You'll like it," Sam reassured me.

We were walking in a comfortable silence when a black van pulled up next to us. Sam looked at me with confusion. I shrugged. I was just as confused as her.

Men wearing all black and masks came out from the back of the van and came running towards us. They held us back and fear took over.

"Let me go!" Sam shouted as she struggled to get out of the mens' grasp. I also struggled to get away.

"We just need the nurse," one of the men said. With that, another man punched Sam in the stomach.

"Sam!" I shouted after her. The men dragged me into the back of the van.

They blindfolded me and put a piece of duct tape over my mouth. My hands were tied behind my back and my feet were also tied together. I still didn't stop trying to escape and tried to scream like my life depended on it. My life did depend on it.

"Quit squirming!" Someone shouted at me as they punched me in the chest. He knocked the breath out of me and I struggled to breathe. I felt like I was choking as I struggled to get air into my chest. The tape over my mouth wasn't helping either.

"Jeez, you had to punch her so hard?" Someone else complained. "She's not going anywhere and captain wants her in top condition."

I slowly got my breathe back. I didn't know where they were taking me or for what.

I heard the sound of a camera click and saw a flash through the blindfold. What was that for?

It felt like eternity before the van turned off. Someone grabbed my arm and pulled me out the van. I was lifted over someone's shoulder.

I tried to scream as I struggled to get down. I failed miserably and I was thrown onto a chair.

They strapped me to the chair and ripped my blindfold off. The only light in the room was the one pointed at me. I could see the silhouette of a women not too far from me. She looked like she was on her phone or something. The brightness of her phone was too low for me to actually see her face.

She turned her phone off. Sweat started dropping down my face. I've never felt as scared as I did now. Not even when Vanoss pointed his gun at me.

What was she going to do with me?

trust. // vanoss x reader //✔️Where stories live. Discover now