{3}Landon Parker is a Donkey

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I feel like if my character's had theme songs', this would be Bella's. ;)

Bella's POV

What a absolute, total, another word for donkey, jerk! When I had finished my rant, I quickly rushed outside before the tears could flow. Not that I had been sad, but for some strange reason whenever I was really ticked off my eyes watered a lot.

What I had spoken to Landon had been the T-Total truth. It really bugged me when people assumed I was useless because of my disability. Yes I was blind, and sure life wasn't as easy as it could have been. But it wasn't impossibly difficult. I could still hear, smell, and touch. I wasn't just half a person because I couldn't see. However, for some unknown reason, whenever Landon said what he did it made me a little sad. That was before I became as p'od as I had been.

Walking down the halls blinded wasn't such a good idea, considering I smacked straight into a wall. A very warm, laughing, muscled wall.

"Woah there, you alright?" A very male sounding voice suddenly questioned me. I nodded slowly in response, wiping my eyes with exaggerated measures.

"Watch where you're going next time okay?" The voice responded.

I stiffened before I felt my anger reach a boiling point.

"Well, I'm sorry. I'll try to even though I'm blind!" I shouted, waving my arms around in frustration.

I was greeted with silence, probably the person's shock. I slowly began to feel sorry, he couldn't have known with these glasses on.

"I- I'm sorry! I really didn't know. God Ethan, you're such an idiot. Oh look, and now she's crying!" The man named Ethan vented, screaming at himself. I couldn't help but giggle at his self obliviousness.

"Hey no, don't feel bad. Sorry for snapping, but today has just been a really, really crappy one. And you didn't make me cry, I do this when I'm super angry at someone. And it isn't you." I consoled, trying to sound comforting. I heard him let out a sigh as a hand gave my bicep a squeeze.

"It's okay, and really the fault's mine. I wasn't paying attention. Ethan Walker by the way." He replied, and I could tell he was smiling at me.

"Bella Jones, and it's a pleasure to meet you Ethan Walker." I smiled in his direction. He seemed taken aback by the pause in his words.

"The pleasure is all mine Miss Jones." He laughed, going along with my charades.

"Oh please, no need to be modest Ethan!" I giggled, sending both of us into ridiculous fits of laughter.

"I know this is completely random, but are you related to Yona Jones, the Drum Major who plays Flute?" Ethan asked suddenly, sounding slightly embarrassed. I actually was related to her, she was one of the only two reasons my mother chose this school for me. She was the daughter of my Aunt Jude, making her my first cousin.

"As a matter of fact, I am. Why does this matter Mister Ethan?" I replied, smiling knowingly to myself. From what I remember Yona was a very beautiful young lady, if my memory served me right.

"Uh, well... you see.... I've sort of had this crush on her for years, but she's way out of my league. And every time I get the nerves to say anything to her, I usually chicken out before I can make it a two word sentence." Ethan explained, sounding entirely desperate for my help.

"And I was wondering if...."

"You were wondering if I could talk to her about you." I finished with a smile.

"Yeah, I actually was." He responded.

"Well, I guess I could bring it up at the family reunion next weekend." I finished out with a smile.

The rest of that day flew by, getting slightly better as it went. The only thing that was really putting a dapper on my evening was what had happened with Landon Parker at lunch. The little weasel. It was just hitting ninth period when it happened. A tall boy with lanky arms plowed into me, sending me on my arse. I said nothing to this, and tried to push myself up the same time he reached his hand up to pull me back to my feet. Doing this caused him to accidentally punch me in the eyeball, sending me back down with a loud cry.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" He shouted, getting down and helping me up again. As soon as his arms touched my body they were being ripped away from me.

"You little punk! First you shove her down and then you punch her in the face?" I instantly realized it was none other than Landon Parker speaking.

"Hey Landon, that's enough." I screamed, locating the duo from the tremors in the ground and continuously slapping him on the back off the head. He growled and I could tell he was angry with me. I suddenly and worriedly became aware of the fact a multitude of eyes were watching us through the hoarse surrounding whispers.

Was he going to shift right here in the hallway? To my surprise however, he dropped the kid onto his feet and then turned on his heels.

Sighing in frustration I grimaced and wiped my hands on the back of my jeans. For sure, he had anger problems. I feel sorry for the poor girl who ends up married to him.

After exchanging apologies with the student, learning his name was Ben, I allowed Alex to steer me into class.

By the time school finally ended, I was so tired that is was highly likely I ran into over twenty objects making my way to the car. The family buttler, Mr. Kim, helped me into the expensive vehicle. Not that I would know considering I can't even see the colour or model.

{Sorry for the spelling of the word colour. It's not incorrect just another way to spell it.}

I wish I could stay at school. At least there people acknoledged me. It didn't sound like I had died, even though I was still here.

Apparently to my family, without rank you're nothing. Without sight you're nothing. And without beauty, you're nothing. They couln't even marry me off to a different pack because no one wants a reject like myself.

And there was nothing I could do about it.

My mother didn't even acknoledge me. To her the beloved daughter was dead, she'd already mourned me.

My father hated me. He didn't ignore me, he insulted me. I may as well have been a stray he found on the side of the street.

And my brother.... My brother was embarrased of me. He wished I was dead, he wished I had died.

To be frank, I don't matter.

The good thing is, I don't like them either so it's not like I even care what they think. I always have my cousin, Mr. Kim, the staff, and my hopefully new friends at school.

I couldn't give a damn if I was theta, or omega.

None of these bloody mutts are going to convince me I'm worthless.

So my worthless, lazy butt finally decided to post this chapter. Even if it's only 1200 words. :)

I know it's mind blowing...

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